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    新闻英语精解 【26】“震慑”行动 - 新闻英语

    作者:未且未且 阅读次数:4857


    Fires Rock Baghdad After Aerial Assault


    【注释】rock, “震撼,使受震动”:The news of the President’s murder rocked the nation. 总统遇刺的消息震撼了全国。aerial assault, “空袭”,也可以说成 air raid.

    BAGHDAD, Iraq - The streets of Baghdad were silent and empty Friday night, with fires raging inside Saddam Hussein's Old Palace compound and a halo of smoke hanging in the sky, after the Iraqi capital endured the most ferocious attack of the war.

    【参考译文】巴格达,伊拉克 – 周五晚间,在伊拉克首都遭受开战以来最猛烈的空袭后,萨达姆·侯赛因的旧总统府内火势迅猛,城市上空笼罩着一层烟雾,巴格达的街道一片沉寂,空无一人。

    【注释】rage, “to continue or spread with great force or violence,肆虐,猖獗”:A flu epidemic is raging through local schools. 流感在本地的校园中肆虐。rage作名词为“盛怒,狂怒”:His suggestions have been greeted with rage by his opponents. 对他的建议,他的对手们的反应是勃然大怒。在此意义下,其同义词有anger, fury, wrath, indignation, ire等。此外,还有“时新样式,时尚”之意:Dresses like this used to be all the rage. 像这样的衣服曾经风靡一时。(注意,be all the rage 是固定用法)。此意义下的同义词有fashion, chic, craze, fad, vogue等。关于这个词,还有个有意思的搭配:road rage, 它的意思和用法请看例句:Earlier today a man was arrested for attacking a motorist in a road rage incident. 今天早晨一名男子因在公路愤怒中袭击一位驾车人而被捕。 compound, “(有围墙、围栏的)场地(大院,楼群)”:The embassy compound has been closed to the public because of a bomb threat. 因为有炸弹威胁,使馆建筑区对公众关闭。 halo, “(日、月等的)晕环,晕圈”,这里是比喻用法。其另一个意思是“神像头上的光轮”:"Aren't I good? I've done all the shopping as well as cleaning the whole house." "Oh yes, I can see your halo growing already." “我不够体贴吗?我不但把房子打扫干净,还包下了全部采购任务。”“没错,我已经可以看见你身后的光轮了。”(请注意这里的幽默用法)。

    The attack, punctuated by the blasts of Tomahawk missiles striking targets across Baghdad, launched just after 9 p.m. as the U.S.-led forces stepped up their aerial assault on the city.


    【注释】punctuate, “to break the flow of, repeatedly 不时打断”:He punctuated his solemn remarks with a few well-chosen jokes. 他在严肃的演讲中偶尔插进几句恰倒好处的笑话。而punctuation 就是“标点符号,或标点符号的用法”。 tomahawk, “印第安战斧”。step up, “使增加,使上升,使加快”:The pace of the reforms is being stepped up. 改革的进程加快了。

    The squeal of the air raid sirens in the Iraqi capital preceded the ringing explosions, cutting through an eerie silence that enveloped the city as night fell.


    【注释】squeal, “长而尖锐的叫声”:The train ground to a halt with a squeal of brakes.伴着一声尖利的刹车声,列车停了下来。siren, “汽笛,警报器”,如果要说警报器响起来,英语中有许多动词可与之搭配,例如sound, go off, wail, blow, ring等。

    The massive assault of 320 Tomahawk missiles launched from ships in the Persian Gulf and Red Sea filled the sky with towering fireballs. Two Iraqi palaces were among the buildings destroyed by the third missile attack on the city in two days.

