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    克隆时代带路人 >> 科技 .

    作者:韦雪娟 阅读次数:2809


    in the age of cloning

    In the spring of 1999, ACT's new troika sat down to discuss just how to
    venture into what's arguably the most controversial area in medicine
    today." We knew that we would have to fend off attacks,"
    recalls Lanza." But we never imagined all the insanity that would
    come." Over the course of the next two years, the men would be
    called" mad scientists," " baby killers," and "
    monsters" ;their names would be added to antiabortion "
    assassination" lists on the Web; the FBI would warn them of threats
    on their lives, and conservatives would push a bill through the House of
    Representatives declaring them federal criminals deserving of 10 years
    in prison and a $1 million fine.



    source of the hysteria is a widespread misunderstanding of just what an
    early embryo is, according to West, Cibelli, and Lanza. " If you
    ask the average person, they will tell you it's a tiny little person
    with buggy eyes," says West. " But, in fact, these are just a
    few reproductive cells, not much different than eggs or sperm. They are
    the raw materials of life, but they are not a person."


    three men are adamant that they are following the most moral path.
    " Three thousand Americans die every day of diseases that
    therapeutic cloning could treat," says Lanza." It would be
    wrong of us to abandon those people because we're afraid of
    controversy." West is even more graphic about his beliefs. " I
    feel as if all my loved ones are trapped in a burning building, dying of
    diseases like diabetes and heart disease," he says. " I have
    the fire extinguisher -- the therapeutic cloning technology -- that can
    save them, but people are trying to take it out of my hands." And
    Cibelli is disgusted with the brouhaha. " Therapeutic cloning has
    to be done, and soon," he says. " Patients are all waiting for
    the public to get over the hype and fearfulness so that they have a
    chance to live."



    of the hostile climate, it took nearly two years for Cibelli to even
    begin the experiments. During that time, the partners searched for
    members to serve on an ethics board and debated how to best go about
    getting donors for both body cells and human eggs. One major turning
    point came in late September of 1999, when Cibelli met with Harvard
    professor Ann Kiessling, who agreed to help set up a program to collect
    eggs from women. Another breakthrough came in mid-2000, when Dartmouth's
    Green agreed to head ACT's ethics advisory board. Under their
    leadership, very strict guidelines were set up for the collection of
    eggs and body cells, which finally began early this year.


    With precious human eggs too few and far between, Cibelli spent his time
    between deliveries practicing the transfer of nuclear DNA from a
    half-dozen or so body cell donors into cow eggs just to perfect his


    October 10, after removing the DNA from several human eggs, injecting
    them with DNA from body cells, and then tricking the eggs into thinking
    they had been fertilized so that they would begin the work of
    multiplying. But this time, Cibelli left the lab in a depressed mood.
    The eggs looked a little sickly, and he was convinced he had damaged
    them beyond repair. But when he called two days later from Michigan, his
    lab assistant gave him the news he had been wanting to hear for almost
    five years: The eggs were cleaving into the world's very first known
    human cloned embryos.



    ramifications They were only clusters of four and six cells, but in them
    ACT's scientists saw a revolution in medicine that will render many of
    today's drugs and treatments obsolete. Essentially, cells yielded from
    human research cloning are the same stem cells that President Bush
    decided are promising enough to fund, only better. Unlike existing stem
    cell lines, stem cells created through cloning would provide a patient
    with a fresh supply of cells with his or her own genetic code. Gone
    would be transplant failures and the need for immune-suppressing drugs.
    In the same way that antibiotics and vaccines rid the world of
    infectious plagues a half century ago, says Lanza, these cells could for
    the first time eradicate the chronic, degenerative diseases of our day,
    such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and heart disease.



    body cells are rejuvenated by an egg's proteins, therapeutic cloning
    would also tackle aging itself, replenishing the body with younger, more
    vigorous cells than even the most healthy cells already in place. And
    because DNA removed from a body cell can be tinkered with before it is
    placed into an egg, Lanza hopes someday to add factors -- genes for
    immune cells, for example, that would make a patient resistant to AIDS.


    still too early to say whether the United States will accept or reject
    therapeutic cloning. Cibelli and his colleagues still have mountains of
    work ahead of them. It takes not just an embryo but the nurturing of
    stem cells and the ability to transform those stem cells into
    specialized types before any clinical applications can be used in

    U.S. News & World Report)