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    克隆儿之父 >> 科技 .

    作者:张坤先 阅读次数:4674


    of the impossible children

    Severino Antinori is a physician whose reputation among infertile
    couples is far overshadowed by his international fame as the man who
    wants to clone a human being.



    was born  56 years ago to small landowners in a village of Abruzzi,a
    region of central-southern Italy. The young Severino would watch with
    fascination while his uncle,a veterinarian,would artificially
    inseminate cows on surrounding farms. After his family moved to Rome,Antinori
    signed up for medical studies,where he soon discovered his intolerance
    for,as he puts it,the"academic mafia that was ruling the
    university. "Still,he met Caterina Versaci there,and the two
    married shortly after they received their medical degrees. Specializing
    in gastroenterology and,later,in gynecology,Antinori worked in
    various posts around Italy before landing at Regina Elena,a public
    fertility hospital in Rome.

    1986,he says,he oversaw the birth of the first Italian child to be
    conceived in a publicly funded clinic through in vitro fertilization(IVF).
    But after clashing with some of his colleagues and hospital
    administrators,he resigned and,with his wife,set up the Associated
    Researchers for Human Reproduction(RAPRUI)clinic. Antinori made his
    mark in the late1980s,when he pioneered a technique called subzonal
    insemination(SUZI)to position sperm below the zona pellucida,the
    barrier around the egg,or oocyte. His work opened the way to
    intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI),in which a single sperm is
    injected directly into the egg cell. He later introduced lasers to
    facilitate embryonic implantation. His résumélists a professorship of
    human reproduction at the University of Rome as well as about 40journal
    publications. In the past decade,however,he has become more involved
    with the judicial system than the peer-review one.



    is routine today. It is the only option for mil lions of men who are
    subfertile--that is,men who have low-motility sperm. Indeed,according
    to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,more than90percent
    of U. S. fertility labs offered the procedure in1999,although
    geneticists warn that the technique results in an alarming number of
    chromosomal abnormalities.


    ICSI is not enough to help all his patients. There are 100 million men
    who don't produce any sperm,and genetic reprogramming is the sole
    solution,he says. "Genetic reprogramming。"he emphasizes.
    "Not cloning. Cloning is a hollywood-style term. It makes you think
    that you'll get a series of identical individuals. That's idiocy.
    "Even if most of the clone's DNA comes from the donated nucleus,he
    argues,the oocyte still contributes a small percentage of genes from
    the mitochondria,meaning that cloning to produce two identical
    individuals is impossible.


    world glimpsed Antinori's flamboyance last August,when he,along with
    other would-be cloners,including Panayiotis Zavos and Brigitte
    Boisselier,took on the medical establishment at a colloquium organized
    by the National Academy of Sciences(NAS)in Washington,D. C. Most
    animal clones die before delivery or suffer from severe birth defects.
    Top experts,including the creator of Dolly the sheep,Ian Wilmut of
    the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh,Scotland,revealed that human
    clones could meet the same fate. Antinori and the other proponents were
    un-fazed by such warnings. He dismissed the Dolly studies
    as"veterinary animal work. "

    determination to clone threatens his current livelihood. In September he
    was expelled from A PART,an international association of private
    fertility clinics of which he was once vice president;the reason,in
    part,was his"disreputable



    is not about to abandon reproductive cloning:about 600 infertile
    couples in Italy and more than06,00in the U. S. have already signed up
    for the procedure,he says. And the media buzz has so far helped his
    daily practice. "He is expensive,but we came here because they
    say he's the best,"explains a patient waiting anxiously while his
    wife undergoes an IVF procedure. The human imperative to procreate is
    sure to keep Antinori's waiting room filled--and cloned babies on the
