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    克隆猪有望成为人体器官移植的供应者 >> 科技 .

    作者:kaikailime 阅读次数:6526


    pigs -- the potential organ donors

    cloned piglets, genetically modified so that their organs are much less
    likely to be rejected by a human donor recipient, have been born in the

    than 62,000 people in the US alone are waiting to receive donated
    hearts, lungs, livers, kidneys and pancreases. The number of human
    donors falls far short of demand. Pig organs are of a similar size to
    human organs, and some scientists hope they might be used to help meet
    the shortfall. But previous attempts to transplant unaltered pig tissue
    into humans have failed, due to immune rejection of the tissue.




    five piglets, born on Christmas Day, lack a gene for an enzyme that adds
    a sugar to the surface of pig cells. The sugar would trigger a patient's
    immune system into launching an immediate attack.

    "This advance provides a near-time solution for overcoming the
    shortage of human organs for transplants, as well as insulin-producing
    cells to cure diabetes," says David Ayares, vice president of
    research at PPL Therapeutics, US division, where the pigs were created.
    " This is the key gene for overcoming the early stage of



    scientists warn that much more work is necessary before organs from
    copies of the pigs could be transplanted into humans. Human genes will
    need to be added, to prevent rejection of the organ in the long-term.
    There are also conerns that pig viruses could infect organ recipients.

    Cloning techniques were vital to the production of the pigs. Genes can
    only be knocked out in a single cell. Cloning of these single cells then
    allowed the creation of a whole animal in which the gene was knocked out
    in every cell. But the PPL researchers have succeeded in knocking out
    only one copy of the gene for the enzyme, called alpha 1,3 galactosyl
    transferase. The team will now attempt to knock out both copies of the

