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    作者:lqzhxl 阅读次数:4161


    New Chip Design May Lead to New Sight



    decades, scientists and eye doctors have been trying to develop
    artificial eyes that would return the sense of sight to blind and
    visually impaired people. And the thought of the "bionic eye"
    may not be too far fetched. Many companies, such as Optobionics in
    Wheaton, Ill., have taken the first steps with tiny microchips that can
    mimic certain parts and function of the human eye; such as the rods and
    cones, sensors that convert light into electrical impulses at the retina
    located at the back of the eye. But scientists at the Office of Naval
    Research in Arlington, Va., believe they are on the path to a chip that
    could truly mimic the entire nerve system of the retina back of the
    human eye. At the heart of their potential artificial eye is a
    well-known chip design called a cellular nonlinear network, or CNN. In
    the chip, individual computer circuits are connected to each other in a
    checkerboard array. Each connection can be given a mathematical
    "weight" that "describes" the relationship of each
    circuit to each other. When the chip is exposed to image data, each
    pixel or point of light in the picture is sent to a specific cell in the
    chip. Mathematical algorithms can then manipulate each connection's
    weight to produce different resulting images. One set of algorithms
    could help find the edges of an object in the image. Another set of
    algorithm could then find corners, while another set define contours.
    Cooper, the program manager at Office of Naval Research who specializes
    in nanoelectronics, says the CNN chip has multiple advantages that make
    it ideal for use in an artificial retina. For one, the connections
    between each circuit are parallel, or "non-linear." That
    means, the calculation for each circuit is happening almost
    simultaneously and allows for very rapid image processing. "The
    time it takes a chip to [process a function] is about a
    microsecond," says Cooper.
    advantage: The chip is an analog processor. Common microprocessors, such
    as those used in desktop PC are digital; dealing with values of
    "1" and "0." But the CNN chip can perform its
    calculations using image values that aren't as exacting; which is the
    same way our brain processes information.
    It Work?
    the CNN chip could be used as an artificial eye, however, is still
    fairly theoretical, says Frank Werblin, a professor of neurobiology at
    the University of California at Berkeley. Werblin, who has conducted his
    own research in CNN chips, says the ideal use would be to create a
    three-dimensional array where each layer of CNNs would mimic a specific
    layer of sensors in the human eye. One layer, for example, would be able
    to pick out edges, while another picks out color. And while the
    algorithms for doing such CNN calculations are well known, Werblin says
    the problem is figuring out how to connect it all with the human brain.
    "You have a million optic nerve fibers leaving your eyes, and each
    goes to specific part of the brain's cortex," says Werblin. But he
    says no one knows just how many or exactly which ones are needed to
    produce an image that could be understood by the brain.
    there's still the question of how to connect silicon chips to human
    nerve cells
    process that's just being tried out with much simpler chips such as
    Optobionic's artificial light sensors. David McComb, chief information
    officer with Optobionics, says the company has successfully implanted
    the microchips into the retinas of six patients under a clinical trial
    approved by the Food and Drug Administration. However, actual results of
    how well the chips are working probably won't be released for review by
    other scientists until later this year.
    according to both Werblin and Cooper, it will still be quite some time
    before CNN chips could be implanted in humans - if ever. Right now, most
    CNN chips are just too big - about 1 or 2 square inches ; and require
    too much power to be embedded in an eye. Still, the potential prospects
    of ending blindness through artificial eyes grows brighter every day.
    Couple of years ago, every one thought this was pie-in-the-sky, Star
    Wars stuff," says Dr. Gerald Chader, an ophthalmologist and chief
    science officer for the Foundation Fighting Blindness. But with more
    clinical trials and research, Chader says it's quite possible that some
    form of chip implants will be helping to improve failing eyes in five to
    10 years. "In the last couple of years there has been
    progress," he says, "We have a great deal of hope that there
    will be positive outcomes."

