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    中国成功发射“神六”揭开空间探索新篇章China Opens New Chapter in Space History >> 科技 .

    作者:米剑 阅读次数:6963


        China launched its second manned space
    mission, sending two astronauts into orbit as it opened a new chapter in its
    ambitious drive to become a global space power.

        Shenzhou VI, based on Soviet Soyuz
    technology, lifted off on a Long March 2F carrier rocket from Jiuquan Satellite
    Launch Center at 9 am (0100 GMT) for a five-day mission carrying air force
    pilots Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng.

        It entered a fixed orbit 21 minutes

        Having two crew on board is a departure
    from October 2003, when Yang Liwei spent 21 hours on a solo odyssey -- a mission
    that made China only the third country after the United States and former Soviet
    Union to achieve the feat.

        Some 40 seconds after Wednesday's
    launch the craft disappeared into the clouds, but a camera on board showed Nie
    waving as the launch centre said lift off and all signals were

        "I feel good," said Fei in
    his first tranmission from the craft.

        Fei, 40, and Nie, 41, were seen off by
    Premier Wen Jiabao, who was at the launch pad to drum up nationalistic
    sentiment, saying he believed "the astronauts will accomplish the glorious
    and sacred mission".

        "You will once again show that the
    Chinese people have the will, confidence and capability to mount scientific
    peaks ceaselessly," Wen said, adding that the whole country expects
    "their victorious return from the mission."

        Other top leaders including President
    Hu Jintao and and Vice President Zeng Qinglong watched the event at the Beijing
    Aerospace Command and Control Centre, Chinese mission control.

        Snow was falling at the launch site
    shortly before lift off but stopped at about the time the astronauts entered
    their craft, Xinhua news agency reported.

        The fact that Wednesday's mission
    carried two astronauts reflects the twin purposes of China's space program,
    which aims for both scientific gains and kudos at home and abroad.

        "Part of it is technical. If you
    are two people, you can do more complicated and more sophisticated types of work
    and experimentation," said Joan Johnson-Freese, an expert on China's space
    program at the US Naval War College.

        "Part of its also too is prestige.
    Two people is harder than one person," she said.

        Shenzhou VI is expected to circle
    around the Earth for the next 119 hours, or nearly five days, before landing in
    the Inner Mongolian grasslands.

        The craft is based on the robust and
    thoroughly tested Soviet design for the Soyuz vessel, and consists of three

        These include the orbital module where
    scientific experiments are carried out; the re-entry capsule where the
    astronauts will spend most of their time; and the service module, which contains
    fuel and air, solar panels and other technical gear.

        Unlike Yang Liwei two years ago, the
    two astronauts will leave their capsule for lengthy experiments in the orbital
    module at the nose of the spacecraft, observers said.

        "They'll do quite a lot of medical
    tests, they'll take blood tests, urine tests, and they will also work out what
    kind of space food works for them" said Brian Harvey, the Dublin-based
    author of a book on China's space ambitions.

        "Because ultimately what they are
    planning is a space station... and to do that they will need to learn how do
    they survive on longer missions."

        The flight of Shenzhou VI will also be
    a thorough and comprehensive test of China's tracking network, which includes
    tracking stations as far away as Namibia and four tracking ships placed around
    the oceans of the world.

        In Jiuquan city, several hours' drive
    away from the satellite launch center, a sense of local pride was clearly

        "Wishing a successful launch of
    Shenzhou VI," said a large red poster in front of one of the city's hotels,
    while billboards advertised special "Shenzhou Rice Wine."

        "We're very happy about all
    this," said Ma Li, a teenage resident of Jiuquan city. "It's amazing
    that we Chinese gradually have the know-how to pull this kind of thing
    off," she said.






