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    开关和保险丝 >> 科技 .

    作者:pengkz 阅读次数:5689


    Switches and Fuses

    An electric switch is often on a wall
    near the door of a room. Two wires lead to the lamp in the room. The switch is
    fixed in one of them. The switch can cause a break in this wire, and then the
    light goes. The switch can also join the two parts of the wire again, then we
    get a light.  

    Switch can control many different
    things. Small switches control lamps and radio sets because these do not take a
    large current, larger switches control electric fires. Other switches can
    control electric motors. 

    switches move quickly. They have to stop the current suddenly. If they move
    slowly, an electric spark appears. It jumps across the space between the two
    ends of the wire. This is unsafe and it heats the switch. Very big switches are
    sometimes placed in oil, Sparks do not easily jump through oil, and so the oil
    makes the switch safer.

     A large current makes a wire hot.
    If the wire is very thin, even a small current makes it hot. This happens in an
    electric lamp. 

    electric wires in a house are covered with some kind of insulation. No current
    can flow through the insulation, so the current can never flow straight from one
    wire to the other, but the insulation on old wires is often broken, then the
    copper of the two wires can touch. A large current may flow, and if this
    happens, the wires will get very hot. Then the house may catch fire. 

    can stop this trouble. A fuse is only a thin wire which is easily melted. It is
    fixed in a fuse-holder(
    保险盒). The
    fuse-holder is made of some material which cannot burn. A large current makes
    the fuse hot and then it melts away. We say that the fuse "blows(<保险丝>烧断)".
    The wire is broken and no current can flow. So the house does not catch fire,
    but all the lights and electric fires go out because there is no current. 

     When a
    fuse blows, something is wrong. We must find the fault first. Perhaps two wires
    are touching. We must cover them with new insulation of some kind. Then we must
    find the blown fuse and repair it. We put a new piece of fuse- wire in the
    holder. (Sometimes we can find the right fuse- holder because it is rather warm,
    but the others are cold.) If we do not repair the fault first, the new fuse will
    blow immediately. 

     Some men
    get angry when a fuse blow. So they put a thick copper wire in the fuse-holder!
    Of course this does not easily melt; if the current rises suddenly, nothing
    stops it. The thick wire easily carries it. Then the wires of the house may get
    very hot and the house may catch fire. Some of the people in it may not be able
    to escape. They may lose their lives. So it is always best to use proper
    fuse-wire. This will keep everyone and everything in the house safe.