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    科学家研制人性化电脑 迎接电脑新时代 >> 科技 .

    作者:kingsunzhuang 阅读次数:8862


    Search for 'human computer'

    A Northern Ireland team is leading the search for a thinking computer
    which can sense a user's mood.

    Researchers at Queen's University in Belfast hope to complete the 10m
    euro project for an emotion-sensitive computer within four years.

    The aim is to enable computers to think and behave more like humans.

    The European-wide project is being coordinated from the university's
    School of Psychology and involves 160 researchers from 27 institutions.

    The university's researchers developed the proposal and negotiated
    the contract with the European Commission.

    The academics said the work would build upon attempts to create
    "multi-modal interfaces" which
    allow machines to sense and respond to the moods of the user.

    Programme coordinator Professor Roddy Cowie said while it sounded
    like science fiction, computers which
    responded to human emotion would emerge.

    "At the moment, our use of computers is limited by the fact that
    we need a keyboard and a screen to access them," he said.

    "It would make an enormous difference if we could interact with
    them by speaking normally - perhaps through a microphone and a transmitter
    in a 'Star Trek' badge.

    "But emotion is part of normal speech, and experience has shown
    that most users are deeply uncomfortable with speech interfaces
    that ignore it - too uncomfortable to use them very much.

    "If we can make computers more intuitive
    and expressive, and also less challenging to use, there is enormous
    potential to let people make fuller use of information technology."

    The emotion-sensitive computer would have its own
    "personality" and establish a social relationship with the

    "It's a fair bet that in 30 years' time, emotion-sensitive
    interfaces will be as much part of life as windows and mouse interfaces
    are now," said Professor Cowie.

    The project team believes such computers would play a major role in
    teaching and learning.















    interface: 界面,接口

    science fiction: 科幻小说

    transmitter: 发射器

    intuitive: 直观的