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    机器翻译风险高 人工投入不可少 >> 科技 .

    作者:朱维生 阅读次数:8178


    Getting lost in the translation

    on online translation tools can be a risky business, especially if you
    expect too much of it. For the time being, might translation be
    something best left to the humans?

    Earlier this month the small German town of Homberg-an-der-Efze, north
    of Frankfurt, had to pulp an entire print run of its English-language
    tourism brochure - after officials used an internet translating tool to
    translate the German text.

    According to one report, the brochure was "rendered
    meaningless" by the online tool.

    Martin Wagner, mayor of Homberg-an-der-Efze, admits that the town
    made a "blunder". As a result of officials trying to save
    money by getting the Internet to do a translator's job, a total of 7500
    brochures had to be binned.

    This story highlights some of the pitfalls of translating online.
    There are many instant translation tools on the web - but they are best
    used for individual words and short phrases, rather than for brochures,
    books or anything complex.

    For example, one of the joys of the web is that it grants you access
    to an array of foreign news sources. Yet if you were to use a
    translation tool to try to make sense of such reports, you could end up
    with a rather skewed and surreal view of the world.

    Why is foreign text "rendered meaningless" when passed
    through an online translation tool? According to Sabine Reul, who runs a
    Frankfurt-based translation company, translation tools have limited uses
    - and problems arise when web users expect too much from them.

    "A translation tool works for some things," says Reul.
    "Say a British company wants to order a box of screws from a German
    supplier. A sentence like 'We need one box of a certain type of screw'
    is something that a machine could translate reasonably accurately -
    though primitively."

    Yet when it comes to translating blocks of text - words and sentences
    that convey thoughts and sentiments - online tools are bound to fail,
    she adds. "Beyond simple sentences, the online process simply
    doesn't work because machines don't understand grammar and semantics,
    never mind idiom and style."

    "Language is not a system of signs in the mechanical sense of
    the word", says Reul. "It is a living medium that is used to
    convey thought. And that is where machines fail. Human input is
    indispensable as long as computers cannot think."

    Reul and other translators look forward to the day when clever
    computers might help to ease their workload - but that time has not
    arrived yet.

    "It would be nice if computers could do the job. And certainly
    the quest for machine translation has prompted a lot of linguistic
    research that may prove valuable in unforeseen ways. But experience to
    date confirms that even the most subtle computer program doesn't think -
    and you need to be able to think in order to translate."

    Until the dawn of thinking computers, online translation tools are
    best reserved for words, basic sentences and useful holiday phrases. For
    tourism brochures, newspaper reports and the rest, you will have to rely
    on some old-fashioned "human input".





    有报道说:在线工具译出来的手册 “毫无意义”。









