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    将智能芯片植入人体已不是天方夜谭 >> 科技 .

    作者:梁洪源 阅读次数:6440


    Technology to Meld Chips into Humans Draws Closer

    10 p.m. You may not know where your child is, but the chip does.

    The chip will also know if your child has fallen and needs immediate
    help. Once paramedics arrive, the chip will also be able to tell the
    rescue workers which drugs little Johnny or Janie is allergic to. At the
    hospital, the chip will tell doctors his or her complete medical

    And of course, when you arrive to pick up your child, settling the
    hospital bill with your health insurance policy will be a simple matter
    of waving your own chip - the one embedded in your hand.

    To some, this may sound far-fetched. But the technology for such
    chips is no longer the stuff of science fiction. And it may soon offer
    many other benefits besides locating lost children or elderly Alzheimer

    "Down the line, it could be used [as] credit cards and
    such," says Chris Hables Gray, a professor of cultural studies of
    science and technology at the University of Great Falls in Montana.
    "A lot of people won't have to carry wallets anymore," he
    says. "What the implications are [for this technology], in the long
    run, is profound."

    Indeed, some are already wondering what this sort of technology may
    do to the sense of personal privacy and liberty.

    "Any technology of this kind is easily abusive of personal
    privacy," says Lee Tien, senior staff attorney for the Electronic
    Frontier Foundation. "If a kid is track-able, do you want other
    people to be able to track your kid? It's a double-edged sword."

    Tiny Chips That Know Your Name

    The research of embedding microchips isn't entirely new. Back in
    1998, Brian Warwick, a professor of cybernetics at Reading University in
    London, implanted a chip into his arm as an experiment to see if
    Warwick's computer could wirelessly track his whereabouts with the
    university's building.

    But Applied Digital Solutions, Inc. in Palm Beach, Fla., is one of
    the latest to try and push the experiments beyond the realm of academic
    research and into the hands - and bodies - of ordinary humans.

    The company says it has recently applied to the Food and Drug
    Administration for permission to begin testing its VeriChip device in
    humans. About the size of a grain of rice, the microchip can be encoded
    with bits of information and implanted in humans under a layer of skin.
    When scanned by a nearby reader, the embedded chip yields the data - say
    an ID number that links to a computer database file containing more
    detailed information.

    Chipping Blocks

    Most embedded chip designs are so-called passive chips which yield
    information only when scanned by a nearby reader. But active chips -
    such as the proposed Digital Angel of the future - will need to beam out
    information all the time. And that means designers will have to develop
    some sort of power source that can provide a continuous source of
    energy, yet be small enough to be embedded with the chips.

    Another additional hurdle, developing tiny GPS receiver chips that
    could be embedded yet still be sensitive enough to receive signals from
    thousands of miles out in space.

    In addition to technical hurdles, many suspect that all sorts of
    legal and privacy issues would have to be cleared as well.


    Down the line: completely











    位于美国佛罗里达州棕榈滩的Applied Digital Solutions有限公司近期正将这项技术从学术研究的范围扩大到普通人的生活中,即在普通人的手掌和身体中植入芯片。




