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    黑夜的主宰--夜视技术 >> 科技 .

    作者:覃珍 阅读次数:7491


    Owning the Night--For U.S. Troops in Afghanistan, Night Vision Could Be
    Essential Edge

    Al Qaeda soldiers may know the terrain better and they may be able to
    navigate hidden networks of underground tunnels. But once night falls,
    any American troops in Afghanistan will have at least one advantage:

    They can see in the dark

    The U.S.
    Navy Commanding Officer watches aboard the USS Enterprise as
    aircraft prepare for a second day of night strikes in
    Afghanistan, as seen through the green filter of a camera's
    night vision lens on Oct. 8, 2001. [Reuters]

    Taliban and al Qaeda forces may have access to some night vision
    equipment, bought from other countries in the past. But experts believe
    that any equipment al Qaeda forces may have is scarce, and inferior to
    U.S. technology.

    Night vision devices were invented during World War II for use by
    American, British and Soviet soldiers and pilots. Since then, the
    technology has evolved from bulky devices that amplify light about 1,000
    times to compact equipment that can amplify any light source (including
    faint starlight) up to 50,000 times, and eyewear that allows soldiers to
    see in complete darkness (such as in caves) by detecting heat

    Already, U.S. pilots have used night vision equipment to navigate and
    find targets during night bombings of Afghanistan. Infrared lasers are
    also used to illuminate targets with a light invisible to the naked eye,
    but visible to those using infrared detection technology. Infrared
    images are portrayed in shades of color onto a TV screen in the cockpit.

    Amplifying Light, Seeing by Temperatures

    Night vision equipment falls into two major categories: image
    intensification systems and thermal devices.

    Even when a night appears completely dark, near-infrared light is
    emitted by the moon and stars. A night vision device amplifies this
    light to visible levels. The light, which is made up of photons, is
    converted into electrical energy and then accelerated through a thin
    disk. As the converted photons strike a phosphorus screen as electrons,
    they are perceived through an eyepiece in shades of green. The reason
    it's in green is because when you put the unit down, you want your eyes
    to remain dilated so you can see in dim light. Use most any other color
    and your pupils will constrict when you take off the unit.

    Infrared technology measures fraction of a degree differences of heat
    given off by objects. All living things and many objects - people,
    animals, recently used cars - emit heat in the form of infrared
    radiation. Infrared devices read heat by absorbing infrared light,
    converting it into a grid of video signals and creating a picture the
    viewer can see.

    Effective in Winter

    While viewing through an infrared device, you'll see varying shades
    of gray or black, with the whitest segments representing those giving
    off the most heat. Some reports have suggested that infrared technology
    will become more effective as winter arrives in Afghanistan, since
    contrasts between body temperatures and the external temperatures will
    increase. But the contrast doesn't necessarily enhance infrared images,
    and once snow falls, the opposite is true.











