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    作者:陈秋文 阅读次数:8307


    As a Business Gets Bigger, Its Radios Get Smaller

    August 16, 2004

    This satellite radio from SX(一个美国电台)
    displays stock quotes. Some receivers store songs to play later.




    With fee-based satellite radio(收费卫星音频广播) gaining a
    foothold in the United States, the two companies that offer the service are
    hoping to expand their customer base by selling smaller after-market receivers
    with a range of new capabilities.

    Sirius and XM are the only companies authorized to deliver satellite radio,
    which provides more than 100 channels of music, talk and sports in a digital
    format to subscribers with special receivers. XM is the market leader, reporting
    2.1 million subscribers as of the end of June; Sirius reported 480,000.

    While more automobile manufacturers are offering Sirius and XM as
    factory-installed options, both companies are concentrating on improving their
    after-market receivers, which customers can mount on a car's dashboard or use in
    the home. The after-market business still accounts for about 50 percent of all
    units sold, and include manufacturers like Audiovox, Clarion, Delphi, Kenwood
    and JVC.

    Most of the receivers range from $100 to $160.

    Later this week, XM is set to introduce receivers capable of storing up to 30
    minutes of any live broadcast to play back at a later time. With a function that
    works much like the pause control of a digital video recorder, the units will
    also be able to replay the last 30 minutes of the channel to which the unit was
    most recently tuned.

    The earliest plug-and-play satellite receivers were bulky, but both companies
    have succeeded in shrinking(使变小) their units. XM's newest and
    smallest-ever unit, the Roady2, released last month, is 3.4 ounces, half the
    weight of its predecessor model.

    Even the antennas are shrinking. Aware that many customers mount the antenna
    on the dash(=dashboard) rather than the roof, both companies are using
    microantennas not much bigger than a quarter.

    Both companies also offer models that let users store the names of favorite
    artists and titles. When one of those is playing on another channel, the
    receiver beeps to alert the listener. In XM's case, the unit will also
    automatically switch to that other station.

    "We've learned from our customer base(消费客户群) that
    information is a very valuable component of our services, as much as
    audio," said Steve Cook, XM's executive vice president of sales and

    Next month, Sirius will introduce its Sportster model, designed to complement
    its introduction of NFL Radio, which is a new talk channel, and several channels
    to transmit every NFL game. The radio can be programmed to jump automatically to
    the correct station when one of the user's favorite teams is playing.

    To appeal to investors, XM's Roady2 can display continuously updated stock
    s(股票报价) across the screen. Sirius plans to introduce a radio
    with a similar feature.

    Beginning this fall, XM will offer NavTraffic, giving owners of the Acura RL
    and the Cadillac CTS the ability to combine XM's continuously updated traffic
    information with the car's navigation system(导航系统), producing
    color-coded maps showing traffic delays, allowing drivers to obtain alternate

    To make it easier to receive satellite radio in the home, Sirius will
    introduce a $129 accessory antenna(附加天线) that, mounted on the
    roof, will transmit a signal through the walls into a secondary unit attached to
    the receiver.

    And by the beginning of next year, Sirius will offer a receiver that can
    download Sirius programming from the Internet for later playback in areas where
    signals cannot reach.

    "We want to get you our signal wherever you want to listen, even if
    that's in the shower," said Larry Pesce, a Sirius senior vice president.
    "We're working on shower solutions now."