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    房屋市场拉动经济增长 全球房价急速攀升 >> 财经 .

    作者:dede 阅读次数:6168


      Home Costs Await Peak Amid Worry



        The housing market in California may look like a textbook
    case of superheated "irrational exuberance," but then how does one
    explain Spain? Home prices there have risen 130 percent since 1997, twice as
    much as in the United States.









        ( 李远)

        The housing market in California may
    look like a textbook case of superheated "irrational exuberance," but
    then how does one explain Spain?

        Home prices there have risen 130
    percent since 1997, twice as much as in the United States.

        These days, house-price vertigo is more
    than a local or national condition. It's a worldwide phenomenon.

        The American housing boom in recent
    years is nothing compared with the price run in countries like France, Spain,
    Britain, Ireland, Sweden and Australia, even though markets in Australia and
    Britain have cooled in the past year.

        Million-dollar two-bedroom apartments
    are not only a fixture of New York but also of London, Paris and Hong Kong. In
    New Zealand, housing prices rose more than 16 percent from 2003 to 2004.

        In Ireland, they rose more than 10
    percent in that period.

        The rise in prices is worrisome because
    the international housing boom is a byproduct of globalization. A house on a
    plot of ground is the most local of assets. But the financial markets that make
    it possible for people to borrow money to buy a house, or speculate, are
    increasingly open, international and linked.

        Interest rate policies in the
    industrialized world tend to move in lockstep, usually led by the United States.
    A growing community of affluent professionals around the world now buy second
    homes and invest in housing abroad.

        The economic links act as a
    self-reinforcing network that has fueled the global surge in house prices but
    would also be likely to magnify the pain on the way down. The ripples would
    extend well beyond the housing markets. A fall in American house prices, for
    example, would crimp consumer spending - and free-spending Americans have
    supported growth in many export-minded nations, notably China.

        "The real concern is that the
    housing boom extends across so many countries this time," said Susan
    Wachter, a professor of real estate at the Wharton School of the University of
    Pennsylvania. "That just raises the stakes, and the risk, when the music

        The global surge in house prices is a
    boom by design, largely manufactured by the world's central banks, led by the
    Federal Reserve. And it was done for good reason. Faced with a falling stock
    market and the collapse of the high-technology bubble, the Fed cut interest
    rates sharply in 2000 to try to limit the damage to the U.S. economy and its
    trading partners.

        Other central banks, like the European
    Central Bank, quickly followed the Fed's lead. Higher government spending and
    tax cuts were also part of the formula.

        Cheap credit worldwide fueled the
    housing market, making mortgage payments less costly. Homeowners refinanced
    their mortgages at lower rates, and the savings went into consumer spending.
    They took out home equity loans on houses of rising value, spending that
    borrowed money on cars, clothes, furniture, restaurant meals and vacations. The
    higher consumer spending and the soaring value of the home nest egg have kept
    the global economy chugging along.

        "The Fed and other central banks
    encouraged this boom so that the wealth lost in the stock market was replaced by
    housing," said John Llewellyn, the global chief economist at Lehman
    Brothers in London. "And the housing boom has stimulated demand around the

        The biggest globalization lift in house
    prices has been in what urban economists call "primate cities." These
    are the places where the world's well-off want to live or visit regularly for
    business or cultural events, like London, Paris, New York, Boston, Shanghai, San
    Francisco, Miami, Sydney and Vancouver. They are the most cosmopolitan of
    locales, often coastal cities and tourist hubs. They experienced the largest
    spikes in housing prices and pull up the national averages, while inland cities
    lag behind- the tourist coast of Spain outpaces Madrid; San Francisco outdoes

        Hitching the world economy to the
    housing market has worked well for policy makers so far. But it probably cannot
    continue. Prices in general are continuing to rise both in the United States and
    abroad as speculative buying and interest-only mortgages are proliferating.

        "Much of Europe is like the United
    States, with roaring increases in housing prices," said Michael Bell, a
    real estate economist at the University of Reading in England. "The boom
    must be peaking soon. It just can't keep going up."

        The looming, unanswered question for
    the global economy is whether the housing boom will cool down in an orderly way
    over the next few years or end in a bust. The preferred path would be for
    interest rates to rise steadily but moderately, slowing the pace of house price
    increases and forcing consumers to save more. This is what the Federal Reserve
    and some other central banks, like the Bank of England and the Reserve Bank of
    Australia, have tried to do.

        But the European Central Bank is
    contemplating lowering, not raising, interest rates. It is more concerned with
    slow economic growth, especially in large economies like Germany's - where
    housing prices are not skyrocketing - than smaller, hot economies like Spain's.