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    柯达改变传统形象开发新型数码相机 >> 财经 .

    作者:lliieerr 阅读次数:2760


      Ten years ago, Kodak manufactured the first digital camera
    aimed for sale to retail consumers, the $749 QuickTake 100, sold by
    Apple Computer.

      But by 2000, Sony had muscled in as the leading digital camera
    maker and Kodak was hovering near 5 percent of the market, a dire
    position, while the film business - which it had dominated for a decade
    - was starting to collapse.

      Kodak called in anthropologists and other social scientists,
    who observed camera users in an effort to learn how taking and printing
    pictures fit into their daily lives. They also followed prospective
    camera buyers into stores to understand how they chose certain models
    from the crowded shelves.

      The research was part of Kodak's effort to reorganize its
    digital camera product line by transforming product design,
    manufacturing and marketing.

      The company's big decision was to focus on low-priced,
    easy-to-use cameras that would appeal to women, who take the majority of
    snapshots, rather than Sony's forte of shiny toys for gadget-loving men.

      That strategy paid off as digital cameras moved into the mass
    market. This year, Kodak's EasyShare brand has almost 19 percent of
    digital camera sales in the United States, a very close second to Sony
    and ahead of Canon, according to IDC, a technology research firm.

      The company recently stopped selling reloadable film cameras in
    the United States.

      So Kodak's engineers developed a system meant to streamline the
    process of moving pictures off the camera, onto a computer and then to
    either a printer, Kodak's Ofoto online printing service or e-mail.

      This involved new cameras, new software and an optional dock
    that cradled the camera, allowing it to recharge its batteries and
    transfer pictures to the computer at the same time.

      After several brainstorming sessions, he came up with the
    EasyShare brand, which captures what Kodak hopes differentiates its line
    from competitors.

      One innovation was a "share" button, which allows
    users to select pictures as they take them that will later be printed or
    e-mailed as soon as the camera is returned to the dock.





