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    霸王龙绝非速度型动物 >> 动物 .

    作者:volvo 阅读次数:7791


    T. Rex No Speedster


    rex, the mighty predator that lived about 85 million years ago, was
    probably just a plodder and not the quick-footed killer depicted in
    Hollywood blockbusters, scientists said on Wednesday.


    Far from
    chasing its prey at speeds of up to 45 mph, as some studies have
    suggested, the fearsome creatures may not have been able to run at all.


    animals were no speed demons," John Hutchinson, of Stanford
    University in California, said in an interview.


    biologist who specializes in the evolution of movement said the science of
    how animals move shows that big creatures do not go fast. At about 40 feet
    long, up to 20 feet tall and weighing about 13,000 pounds, Tyrannosaurus
    rex was very big.


    and Mariano Garcia, of Borg-Warner Automotive in Ithaca, New York, created
    a computer program to analyze animal motion and determine how fast large
    dinosaurs could move. Writing in the science journal Nature, they
    calculated that two-legged T. rex would have needed impossibly massive leg
    muscles to generate enough force to support its huge body at a very fast
    running pace.

    Borg-Warner自动化公司的 Hutchinson 和Mariano

    has been known for a long time that as things get bigger, they don't move
    as fast relative to their size and in fact as they get really, really big,
    they can't run at all," said Garcia. "But until now, no one that
    I know of has tried to predict the cutoffs, which is what we are


    dinosaurs are extinct the scientists had very little to go on. Fossils of
    smaller dinosaurs indicate that they moved fast but there is no similar
    evidence for their bigger cousins. Hutchinson and Garcia incorporated the
    impact of posture, center of mass, leg weight, total weight and torque,
    the twisting force that muscles need to apply about the joints, into their
    program. They tested its accuracy by using data from living animals.


    When they
    tested the model on a T. rex running about 45 mph their calculations
    showed it would have needed 43 percent of its body weight in each leg as
    supportive muscle.


    model shows that these really fast speeds of 50 mph and probably down to
    even 25 mph just don't hold up when you really scrutinize them and look at
    the physics," Hutchinson explained. "It doesn't make a lot of
    sense that these animals could go that fast. There's really no good
    evidence that they could."


    To prove
    their point they scaled up a chicken to the size of T. rex and found the
    giant chicken probably would not have been able to stand.
