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    什么是爬虫? >> 动物 .

    作者:平行线 阅读次数:10153


    What is a

    A reptile is a vertebrate which,
    like amphibians, is ectothermic, its body temperature influenced by the
    temperature of its surroundings. Its body is covered with dry skin, from
    which grow scales.

       Body wastes, eggs
    and sperm all leave the body of a reptile through the final section of
    the gut, which is called the cloaca. A reptile's kidneys can change body
    wastes from liquid to solid form. Land reptiles' urine forms part of the
    limy waste material passed out of their bodies, but aquatic reptiles
    usually pass fluid urine as well as solid wastes.

       The sperm produced
    by a male reptile fertilizes a female's eggs inside her body (in
    amphibians, fertilization takes place outside the body). The fertilized
    eggs of most reptile species are enclosed in shells and are laid on
    land. However, some species retain their eggs within their bodies until
    the young hatch.

       Most reptiles eat
    other animals, though a few eat plant material.

       Most reptiles have
    four limbs. Snakes have no limbs (though pythons have remnants), and
    some lizards have reduced limbs, only two hind limbs, or scaly flaps
    instead of hind limbs.

    Lungs and hearts

    When it breathes, a reptile
    expands its ribs, drawing air into its lung. After oxygen and carbon
    dioxide have been exchanged in the lungs, the reptile breathes out by
    contracting its ribs. In a few water-living species, some exchange of
    gases takes place through the skin or even the cloaca.

    Turtles, lizards and snakes have
    three-chambered hearts. In the single lower chamber, oxygenated blood
    coming from the lungs may mix with deoxygenated blood from the body.

    Crocodiles have four-chambered
    hearts, like those of birds and mammals. Normally oxygenated and
    deoxygenated blood do not mix, but during a long dive, when fresh air is
    not available, a special valve allows deoxygenated blood to pass back
    into the crocodile's body tissues.

    Desert survivors

    Australia's many dry areas are
    full of reptiles which are adapted to arid conditions in a number of

    body wastes have very little water in them.

    obtain water from their food, and from licking dew. The scales of some
    lizards channel water to the mouth.

    of their low energy requirements, reptiles can survive food scarcities
    during drought.

    reptiles feed on ants and termites, which are plentiful in the desert.
    The small reptiles are then eaten by larger reptiles.

    reptile becomes active when the temperature is right for its species. In
    the desert, it may forage at night, and shelter in a burrow during the
    day, or spend daytime shuttling from sunshine to shade and back again.
    Some lizards climb some distance off the ground into vegetation to avoid
    ground heat.

    Wetlands predators  

    The floodplains of northern
    Australia support a greater weight of predators in a given area than do
    Africa's Serengeti Plains.

    The African predators are
    mammals such as lions and hyenas. The Australian ones are reptiles, such
    as water-living pythons, file snakes, freshwater turtles, crocodiles and
    a variety of lizards, including the Frilled Lizard. These creatures eat
    each other, as well as insects and other invertebrates, fish, frogs and
    small mammals.





















