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    作者:kala 阅读次数:5451


    Your Pet

    Anyone who has ever owned a pet knows how quickly it can become a
    cherished member of the family. And anyone who has ever lost a pet knows
    the pain of heartbreak.

    According to the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy,
    only about 16 percent of dogs and 2 percent of cats find their way back
    from shelters to their original owners.

    traditional pet identification methods are still recommended, they have
    limitations. Tags can fade, rust, or get scratched, making them
    impossible to read. Collars can come off or, even worse, get caught on
    something while your pet is wandering about, causing him physical harm.
    Fortunately, there is a relatively new technology available that may
    give pets a better chance of being reunited with their owners. It is
    called the microchip identification system, or microchipping.






    How Microchipping Works
    microchipping, a veterinarian uses a hypodermic needle to inject a tiny
    computer chip containing a unique identification number just under your
    pet's skin between the shoulder blades. The number on the computer chip
    is then entered into a national database along with the corresponding
    contact information for your pet.

    If your lost or stolen pet is found, any animal hospital, shelter, or
    humane society can use a microchip scanner to read the unique ID number
    contained on the chip. The veterinarian or shelter worker then phones
    the database or accesses it on a computer and enters the number on the
    microchip. The database matches the identification number to your name
    and phone number so that you can be contacted with the location of your

    While the price for microchip implantation can vary, it often falls
    between $25 and $40. Microchips are convenient, safe, and
    reliable.Implantation is simple and routine.The chip can't be lost or
    damaged, and it lasts for the pet's lifetime.



    A microchip won't work unless your pet is properly scanned by a
    microchip reader. There are some shelters and veterinarians in the
    United States that don't have readers yet. Until recently, each brand of
    microchip could only be read by its own brand of microchip scanner. Not
    all shelters and veterinarians have the new universal readers.

    scanning is not 100 percent effective. Microchips should be scanned
    before being placed in a pet to ensure that the unique identifying
    number is readable. ABC

