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    蜘蛛怎样生活和表现自己? >> 动物 .

    作者:小豆腐2008 阅读次数:6465


    spiders live and behave?

    the secret of success




    One major reason
    for the success of spiders is the silk they produce and the ways in which
    they use it.
    Spider silk is
    mainly made up of proteins. It leaves the spider's body as a liquid which
    hardens rapidly in the air, then does not dissolve in water. It is very
    strong, and can stretch to add one-third more to its length, then snap
    back to its original length without change in shape.
    Silk is
    produced in glands which make up a large part of a spider's abdomen.
    Different glands make different sorts of silk to be used for purposes
    including the manufacture of egg sacs, lining shelters and constructing
    webs. Silk is also used for the safety lines many spiders drag behind
    them, which save them if they fall. Young spiders spin silken threads on
    which they "balloon" through the air.
    Many tiny tubes
    connect each silk gland with a spinneret. The sticky fluid which coats the
    strands in orb webs and catching lines is applied in these tubes.

    Mate, not dinner


    A female spider
    is often much larger than a male of the same species, and is sometimes
    quite different in appearance. Courtship is lengthy, for the male must
    convince the female he is a mate and not prey.
    To introduce
    himself, a male may posture, dance, pluck a female's web or present
    gift-wrapped prey. He spins a special web, expels sperm onto it, then
    sucks the sperm into bulbs on the ends of his pedipalps. When he judges it
    is safe to do so, he inserts the end of a pedipalp into the female's
    reproductive opening and discharges the sperm it carries.
    The female
    stores the sperm until she is ready to lay eggs. She may lay 100 at a
    time, protecting them in a silken egg sac.

    Sacs and tiny spiders



    Silken egg sacs
    may be hidden in vegetation, or in crevices, or buried in the ground. Most
    are guarded. The sacs may be carried around on the spinnerets, between the
    legs or in the jaws. Female wolf spiders may allow young to climb on their
    backs and transport them.


    Spiders may
    rely on camouflage to protect them from predators such as birds. They may
    blend in with the colour or texture of their background in order to lie in
    ambush waiting for their own prey. A wraparound spider has a broad abdomen
    which is so flattened that the spider can wrap itself around a twig.
    Bird-dropping spiders and crab spiders are also well camouflaged by colour
    and texture. Some spiders mimic insects such as ants.