Take Your Pet to See Santa Claus! |
带上宠物和圣诞老人合个影! |
Delivering toys around the globe overnight has got to be easier than getting four dogs to sit still for a photograph. |
圣诞老人的工作是在一夜之间把圣诞礼物送到全世界。然而,还有一件差事比这个还累,那就是让四只小狗安静下来,乖乖地拍一张集体照。 |
Ernest Leverette Sr. was nevertheless willing to give it a shot. |
尽管如此,欧内斯特·莱弗里特仍然愿意进行一下尝试。 |
Leverette, dressed in full Santa Claus regalia, endured lashing tails and doggy kisses to pose for pictures with pets and raise money for the Pender County Humane Society. |
只见他披挂着全套圣诞老人的行头,忍受着毛茸茸的小狗尾巴在脸上扫来扫去,还不时遭到狗"吻"的偷袭,而这一切,完全是为了拍一组和宠物在一起的照片,为彭德郡动物收容所筹得善款。 |
For Leverette, it's a much better job than his career as a truck driver. |
对莱弗里特来说,做这些比他卡车司机的工作要有趣多了。 |
Humane society treasurer April Farr said the money will be a big help in paying the $2,500 weekly cost of operating the organization. |
动物收容所的财务阿普丽尔·法尔说,收容所每周的平均开销高达2500美金,拍圣诞照片的收入将能够帮上大忙。 |
Leverette and photographer Dick Parrot managed to choreograph a moment's stillness by Emma Jean the basset hound, Oscar the Yorkshire terrier, Doogie the poodle and Clementine the English bulldog for the Kivlighan family. |
莱弗里特和摄影师迪克·帕罗好不容易让奇维利家的四只小狗:矮脚猎犬挨玛·琼、约克郡犬奥斯卡、狮子狗杜奇和英国牛头犬克莱芒蒂娜安静了片刻,按照预先设计好的动作和圣诞老人一起拍了一组照片。 |
Another pair were a bit more challenging. Patch quietly rested his forelegs on the arm of Santa's chair, but Alyssa Savonen's other dog, Annabelle, couldn't resist licking Leverette's face until Savonen warned her, "Do you want a spanking? Stop it!" |
而阿丽莎·萨沃宁家的一对小狗就不那么好对付了。其中一只小狗帕奇安静地把前腿放在圣诞老人的椅子上,不过那只名叫安娜贝勒的小狗却老是不停地舔着圣诞老人的脸,以致于萨沃宁不得不威胁她说:"快停下!不然我可要打你屁股啦!" |
Pets Plus manager Moore said increasingly people are adding beds, toys and treats for their pets to their holiday shopping lists. |
"Pets Plus"宠物商店的经理莫尔介绍说,现在已经有越来越多的人在假日购物时,把宠物床、宠物玩具及宠物娱乐列入了开支清单中。 |
Moore herself is a supporter of animal charities. She adopted her dog Ripple last year from the Southport-Oak Island Animal Rescue. |
而莫尔自己就是动物慈善事业的支持者。她现在的宠物狗里普尔就是去年从绍斯波特-奥克拯救流浪动物协会领养的。 |