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    城市占领树袋熊家园 澳洲国宝濒临灭绝 >> 动物 .

    作者:罗惠 阅读次数:2517


    Australia's koalas face extinction, foundation says

    an iconic symbol of Australia, face extinction as rapid urbanization
    along the eastern seaboard destroys their fragile habitat, environmental
    activists have warned.

    The Australian Koala Foundation has written to the government urging
    it to declare the koala a vulnerable species
    after a survey of 1,000 koala habitats found 30 percent no longer had a
    koala in them and 60 percent had suffered widespread destruction.

    "I truly believe that in my lifetime the koala will become
    extinct unless we do something," Deborah Tabarat, executive
    director of the foundation, told reporters.

    Koalas are protected by law but the eucalyptus
    they call home and which provide their only source of food
    are not.

    There are about 100,000 koalas in Australia, down from an estimated 7
    million to 10 million at the time of white settlement in 1788. In the
    1920s 3 million koalas were shot for their fur.

    Tabarat said the major problem facing koalas was that the majority of
    Australia's 20 million people and the majority of the koala population
    both call Australia's eastern states home.

    She said that with 80 percent of Australia's east coast temperate
    forests destroyed and continued rapid
    urbanization, koalas along the eastern seaboard could be extinct in 15

    "This animal is in serious trouble," said Tabarat.

    "In 15 years you will not see a koala west of the divide,"
    she said, referring to the Great Australian Divide, mountains that
    divide east coast Australia from its rural outback.

    Wild koalas only exist in four of Australia's six states: Queensland,
    New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.

    The marsupial has no natural predator
    but has been in decline for decades due to urban sprawl and from car
    accidents and dog attacks.

    More than 4,000 koalas are killed each year by dogs and cars, said
    the foundation on its Web site.

    The most robust koala population on the Australian mainland exists in
    southeast Queensland and numbers about 10,000, but it too faces
    extinction in 15 years, said Tabarat.

    Southeast Queensland is experiencing the most rapid population growth
    of any part of Australia. Over the past eight years 16,000 koalas in the
    area arrived dead or fatally injured in hospitals after accidents with
    cars or dog attacks and another 10,000 injured koalas probably died in
    the bush, said Tabarat.















    urbanization: 城市化

    vulnerable species: 濒危物种

    eucalyptus trees: 桉树

    temperate forests: 温带森林

    marsupial: 有袋动物