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    猫和老鼠一样坏吗? >> 动物 .

    作者:fafa 阅读次数:3935


    Cats as bad as rats?

    Britain's gardeners have revealed one of their greatest pet hates -
    other people's cats. Okay, they're sadistic murderers - but is it fair
    that cats have been rated as being as detestable as rats in a poll of
    British gardeners?

    A new survey in the UK indicates that cats come second only to rats
    as the least favourite mammal to visit our gardens. The UK's 10 million
    cats have had it rough of late, drawing harsh criticism because of their
    bloodlust and habit of viewing the nation's gardens as their own
    personal toilets.

    Though the animals are the UK's favourite pets, British gardeners
    have struck back by crowning the cat as one of the most unwelcome
    visitors to their plots - voting them only slightly more popular than
    rats in the new poll.

    The Mammal Society - which conducted the survey - says cats cut a
    swathe through the nation's wildlife, killing around 300 million animals
    every year.

    Predatory instincts

    "Cats are solitary predatory hunters. People ask why they kill
    when they are clearly well-fed - but a cat's motivation to hunt is quite
    separate from its desire to satisfy hunger." Even with a full
    stomach, a cat cannot resist the stimuli of prey passing nearby, says Ms
    Heath, author of Why Does My Cat? "It doesn't make sense for a cat
    to wait until it's hungry to catch food - there may be none around then.
    Better to hunt when there's the opportunity and hide the food

    'Sick of cats'

    A BBC television series has raised the question of whether cats
    should be kept indoors at night. Wildlife experts say keeping cats
    locked up from dusk to dawn will prevent much of the carnage they
    create, and will also mean they are less likely to be run over. Mammal
    expert Professor Steve Harris, from Bristol University, said: "The
    message is clear, most people are heartily sick of having their
    neighbours' cats in their garden".

    Saved by the bell?

    Owners who have resorted to collar bells to warn prey may have
    underestimated feline guile. "Some cats have learned to hold their
    heads to minimise noise coming from the bells around their necks.
    Perhaps we need to admire this skill, rather than get paranoid about

    Even today, some view the black cat as an omen of misfortune. Even
    the English language is stacked against the moggy. Spiteful people are
    dubbed as being "catty". A raucous cry is a
    "caterwaul". At work, a greedy, lazy boss is a "fat

    But, to be fair, the British can't hate cats that much. A recent
    report found that the generosity of the British towards the cat has
    caused one in four of the creatures to become clinically obese.












