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    痛并快乐着--雄狮浓黑的鬃毛原是无价宝 >> 动物 .

    作者:BSJI99BSCS999 阅读次数:2809


    A Mane's a Pain, but Equals Gain for Lions (2002)

    A big,
    black mane is hot, shaggy and attracts trophy hunters, but it
    makes a lion irresistibly sexy to the lionesses

    A big, black mane is hot, shaggy and attracts
    trophy hunters, but it makes a lion irresistibly sexy to the lionesses,
    researchers reported.

    The bigger and darker the mane, the more mates a lion attracts, and
    the better his cubs survive, Peyton West and Craig Packer of the
    University of Minnesota wrote in Friday's issue of the journal Science.

    A male with a long, dark mane intimidates other lions and for good
    reasons, they found. He has higher levels of testosterone and wins
    fights more often.

    But he pays for this. He is hotter than lions with lighter manes,
    eats less in summer and produces more abnormal sperm, the researchers

    "We suggest the mane's evolution is the result of sexual
    selection," said West, a doctoral candidate whose dissertation led
    to the paper.

    Lions' manes vary from light blond to black and can be up to a foot

    One big question about lions is why the males even have a mane, said
    West, who studied lions in Tanzania's Serengeti National Park.

    Like a peacock's elegant but heavy tail, it signals biological
    fitness to females. Females choose mates with beautiful tails, or in the
    case of lions, with big, black manes, because it turns them on. Thus the
    trait is passed on.

    West checked to see what good the mane does to a lion. Some people
    have suggested it protects the head and shoulders during fights or
    hunting, but West said their data didn't show the neck and head were a
    special target.

    West set up pairs of model lions with short and long manes and
    watched to see which ones wild lions would approach. Males chose the
    short-maned dummy nine out of 10 times, she found, while females
    approached the darker-maned dummy, 13 out of 14 times.

    West also found that the higher the testosterone level in the blood
    of male lions, the darker the mane. "Therefore, it isn't surprising
    that females would prefer darker manes and males would be
    intimidated," West said.











