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    老外直言--奥运吉祥物舍虎其谁 >> 新闻

    作者:何小航 阅读次数:4291


      The race to select the Beijing 2008 Olympic mascot is heating up
    and from all accounts, the panda is out in front. According to news
    reports, the Sichuan panda team is pulling out all the stops to get the
    giant panda chosen -- not surprisingly, as most of the pandas in China can
    be found in Sichuan. They have created 29 possible panda designs for
    consideration by the Beijing Olympic organising committee, which will be
    making the choice.

      So what does an Olympic mascot represent to the world? The
    Sichuan team says that the giant panda represents the peace and harmony of
    the Olympic spirit, but is that what a panda really portrays? What, after
    all, does a giant panda do all day? It pulls down bamboo shoots and eats,
    and when it's not eating, it sleeps. That's it! That is all a panda does.
    One might say that the giant panda is fat and lazy! What if there is no
    bamboo? Does it find other food? No. When the panda's food disappears, the
    panda disappears. In fact, the giant panda is a very vulnerable animal and
    that is why today it is at risk of extinction. Do Chinese really want a
    fat, lazy animal for their Olympic mascot?

      Fortunately there are other candidates for the honour of
    representing the Beijing Olympics, including the Chinese tiger. Now
    there's a contrast with the panda! The tiger is sleek; the tiger is swift.
    When the tiger springs into action, one can see its muscles ripple with
    energy. When a tiger is hunting for food, first it stalks its prey,
    perhaps a herd of wild swine. Then it chooses a victim and cleverly plans
    its strategy for the chase. Carefully choosing its moment, the tiger takes
    off with power and speed, as much as 80 km per hour. Does that not make
    the tiger a better choice to represent an Olympic competition, where the
    world's top athlets come together to see who is the strongest, the fastest
    and the best? The tiger is sleek, strong, swift and uses clever strategy
    to achieve its goal. Is it not the ideal animal to represent the athletes
    who have planned and carried out long-term strategies to qualify for the

      To be sure, the giant panda seems loveable whereas the tiger
    might be thought by some to be rather fierce. However, the tiger, like
    most predatory animals, is not truly vicious -- this is a common
    misperception. Under normal circumstances it kills only for food. When
    hungry it goes after its prey with fierce determination. Does it not take
    fierce determination for an athlete to win a medal in the Olympics?

      Some years ago, Shell carried out a very successful ad campaign
    in Canada and the US. The ads showed a tiger getting into the gas tank of
    an auto; the accompanying slogan was "Put a tiger in your tank!"
    Everyone understood the message: the tiger meant extra power and speed for
    your car. The original Olympics in Greece brought together athletes in a
    fierce trial of power and speed. Nowadays China is amazing everyone with
    the power and speed of its economic development, far outstripping the
    other nations of the world. In the latest Olympics, the Chinese athletes
    surprised the world not only with the number of medals they won but also
    with the categories in which they won them. I would therefore argue that
    Beijing's 2008 Olympic mascot should be an animal that embodies the great
    qualities, power and speed, of the Chinese athletes and their homeland --
    the Chinese tiger.

      Recently it was brought to my attention that the 1988 Seoul
    Olympics had a tiger mascot. Does this make the tiger ineligible for use
    in the 2008 Beijing Olympics? In an informal poll of my friends and
    colleagues, I discovered that no one remembered the mascot of the 1988
    games. In fact, they did not remember the mascot of the Sydney Olympics or
    even of this year's Athens Olympics. More important, the Chinese tiger has
    a long cultural history in China. One has only to review the Chinese art
    works of many centuries to see images of the tiger everywhere -- in
    carvings, ancient bronzes, ink brush paintings and even embroidery. Yes,
    the tiger has been revered and admired in China for thousands of years.
    With its natural characteristics of speed and power, the Chinese tiger
    would, I am convinced, be a superb mascot for the 2008 Olympics!

      Penny Williams (加拿大)






