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    “都市小睡”——“不眠城”里花钱睡午觉的地方 >> 新闻

    作者:chundou 阅读次数:2948


    Paying to nap in city that never sleeps

    York is called the city that never sleeps, but one small company wants
    that to change.

    High above the bustling streets, honking taxicabs and crowded
    sidewalks, on the 24th floor of the landmark Empire State Building, is
    MetroNaps, a month-old company offering New York's version of the
    Spanish siesta: a 20-minute nap.

    Stressed-out customers arrive in a quiet, darkened room filled with
    futuristic chairs, or "napping pods," where they can pay for
    their snooze.

    "MetroNaps is a place where busy New Yorkers get
    power nap
    in New York City," says co-founder Arshad

    White noise machines block out whispered
    conversation at the front desk. Sleepers stretch out in the reclining
    seats, which resemble plush dentists' chairs, with blankets covering
    their legs and music piped into headphones.

    After 20 minutes, the sleeping pod wakes up the customer with a
    combination of vibrations and light.

    Chowdhury said nappers are encouraged to sleep just 20 minutes
    because a longer session tends to leave them more
    than refreshed.

    Abdul Latif, a Broadway singer and dancer who likes to rest between
    an audition and a performance, said it was better to pay for a nap than
    to sit at a coffee shop.

    "It's the closest thing to your bed," he said. "It's
    either this, or the top of a table with your head down."

    Another MetroNaps customer, writer and researcher Ben Stiller, said
    he needs that daily nap.

    "This is what energizes me, this is what keeps me going,"
    he said.











    siesta: 午睡

    power nap: 大睡特睡

    white noise: 白噪音,一种类似自然状态下的无规格噪音,亦指能掩盖某些噪音的声音

    groggy: 头晕无力的,酒醉的