日前,一名德国妇女在佛罗里达州迪斯尼爱普卡特中心公园乘坐太空飞船后出现身体不适,并随后因抢救无效死亡。 据美联社4月13日报道,佛罗里达州迪斯尼乐园发言人普鲁迪指出,这名妇女现年49岁,她在11日乘坐“太空任务”飞船后感到身体不适,出现头晕和呕吐征状。她随即被送往医院,但因抢救无效于次日身亡。普鲁迪透露,截止到12日,迪斯尼方面还没有得到有关死者的更多信息,而死者迅速死亡的原因也尚不清楚,佛州有关部门会对这一事件做出调查。迪斯尼方表示,这名妇女可能有高血压或其它疾病。 与此同时,“太空任务”飞船游戏被立即关闭,这已不是它第一次出现人命事故。去年6月,一名来自宾夕法尼亚州的4岁男孩与母亲和姐姐在乘坐“太空飞船”的过程中出现身体僵硬,四肢崩紧的征状。男孩在游戏结束后四肢发软、反应迟钝,最后也因抢救无效死亡。后来,法医对男孩进行了尸体检验,并判断他死于在紧张情况下可能导致突发死亡的心脏病。 然而,就在事故发生的第2天,“太空任务”飞船又开始照常营业。耗资1亿美元的“太空任务”是迪斯尼乐园科技含量最高且最受欢迎的游乐项目之一。该游戏通过旋转地心引力模拟出火箭发射时太空舱内的感受,并在飞船升天后开始一个虚拟的火星之旅。游玩者可以亲历到瞬间失重感。许多游客表示,事后都有恶心不适。 A German woman who fell ill after going on a ride at Walt Disney World died of bleeding of the brain, the medical examiner's office said Friday in a preliminary report. The report did not mention any connection between the ride and the woman's death. Hiltrud Bluemel, 49, also had severe, long-standing high blood pressure, said Dr. Jan Garavaglia, Orange-Osceola chief medical examiner, in a statement. There was no evidence of bodily injuries. The official cause of death will not be available for several weeks, when toxicology reports and other tests are final, Garavaglia said. Disney said it would reserve comment on the report until it was complete. "Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the family in the wake of Ms. Bluemel's passing," spokeswoman Kim Prunty said. It was the second death in less than a year related to the Epcot Center ride Mission: Space, which spins riders in a centrifuge that subjects them to twice the normal force of gravity. It is so intense it has motion sickness bags and signs warning people with heart, back and neck problems not to board it. Walt Disney World reopened the ride Thursday, a day after the woman's death, saying engineers found it was operating properly. A 4-year-old Pennsylvania boy died in June on the ride. An autopsy determined he died of a heart condition that a medical examiner said can cause sudden death in stressful situations.
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