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克罗地亚“伤心人”博物馆开馆 帮助失恋者 作者:sunjie1670 阅读次数:8534
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摘要: 近日,在克罗地亚首都萨格勒布,一家专门为失恋者敞开大门的“伤心人”博物馆宣布开馆。博物馆创始人表示,希望这家博物馆能帮助那些失恋者尽快走出失恋的阴影。 A museum dedicated to broken hearts has opened in Croatia. 近日,在克罗地亚首都萨格勒布,一家专门为失恋者敞开大门的“伤心人”博物馆宣布开馆。博物馆创始人表示,希望这家博物馆能帮助那些失恋者尽快走出失恋的阴影。 A museum dedicated to broken hearts has opened in Croatia. Drazen Grubisic and Olinka Vistica decided to set up the museum after consoling friends over their failed romances. Items on display at the museum in Zagreb include letters and mementoes. 据英国Ananova新闻网站日前报道,“伤心人”博物馆创始人德拉任·格鲁比希奇说,他在安慰了一些因爱情受伤的朋友之后,便决定开一家这样的博物馆。博物馆展出的物品包括一些信件和纪念品。格鲁比希奇说:“我们从未听说过有这样的博物馆。希望对那些伤心人来说,它是一种情感治疗。这些纪念品和信件是从许许多多失恋的人手中收集来的。” Grubisic said: "We‘ve never heard of such a museum and hope that it will be a form of therapy for all those people with broken hearts. We have collected mementoes, letters and different things from numerous people who have lost their loves. 格鲁比希奇说:“从浪漫感人的情书到送给情人的各种礼物,像泰迪熊和照片等,这些东西博物馆中应有尽有。每件展品都配有详细的背景说明,以及它的主人现在怎么样了。这就是为什么我们觉得它能给那些刚刚失恋的人带来帮助。” "The museum has everything from romantic and touching letters to different gifts given to lovers like teddy bears and photos. Every single object on display has a full description of the relationship that was behind it and how that person has moved on. That‘s why we think it could be therapeutic for those with newly broken hearts."
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