Hannah Named ‘Most Beautiful Bulldog‘ 4月24日,在英国举行了第27届“最美丽的斗牛犬”比赛上,英格兰斗牛犬汉纳打败49名竞争对手一举摘得桂冠。 Still, that didn‘t stop this 2-year old English bulldog from beating out 49 others to claim top prize in the 27th annual "Beautiful Bulldog" contest Monday. 据美联社4月24日报道,汉纳是只母狗,今年两岁,它纯白的皮毛上散布着一些棕色斑点。在比赛现场,身穿英国德雷克大学拉拉队长服装的汉纳击败了赛前曾最被看好的棕色公狗米恩。米恩系着腰带、戴着钢盔帽的建筑工人打扮很引人注意。 Hannah, who is white with patches of brown scattered across her squat figure, took the stage wearing a Drake cheerleaders‘ outfit and shocked the crowd by taking "top dog" honors over Porterhouse, a brown male from St. Paul, Minn., who dressed like a construction worker — complete with tool belt and hard hat. 作为冠军得主,汉纳将成为德雷克大学和该校今年的田径运动会的官方吉祥物。这场斗牛犬选美比赛也因此拉开了英国历史悠久、声名远扬的德雷克大学田径运动会的序幕。 As the winner, Hannah will serve a yearlong term as the official mascot of both the Relays and Drake University. The contest marks the beginning of the Drake Relays, one of the nation‘s oldest and most prestigious track and field meets. 汉纳的男主人柯蒂斯·杰克逊在比赛结束后表示:“它是一只漂亮而开朗的狗。当它获胜时,我们都惊呆了,特别是我,当时高兴得都说不出话来了。” "She‘s a pretty outgoing dog," said Curtis Jackson, Hannah‘s co-owner. "We‘re stunned ... I‘m dumbfounded." 在此次比赛中,评委的审美标准较之以前发生了很大变化,那些腿弯曲、皱纹深、眼睛带血丝、牙齿突出、衣着有特色的狗狗显然更受评委的宠爱,而血统优良且训练有素的狗反而不太被看好。获胜者将作为德雷克大学及运动会新的吉祥物,所以评委认为真实自然才是此次选美的标准。 The panel of judges poured over a random assortment of drooling, grunting canines with a much different purpose than their Westminster Kennel Club counterparts. Bowed legs, deep wrinkles, bloodshot eyes, protruding teeth and clever costumes were considered strong attributes. Proud ancestry and impeccable breeding are not. When it comes to picking Drake‘s next mascot, beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. 大赛执行主席普利曼说:“我们寻找的可能就是你认为最丑的狗。我们就是要找有着汉纳那样的脸、那样流着口水、可以吸引你的狗。” "We‘re looking for the ugliest bulldog you can get your hands on," said Dolph Pulliam, the executive director of the Beautiful Bulldog contest. "We‘re the looking for the bulldog that has that face, that drool, that personality that can charm you." 报道说,夺冠后的汉纳还闹了小笑话。主人很难为这只活蹦乱跳、头上多褶皱的“冠军美女”戴上“皇冠”,于是只能强迫它坐在冠军宝座上不准乱动。据悉,汉纳是个鞋痴,它对漂亮鞋子的迷恋一点不亚于好莱坞明星,当然它不是喜欢穿鞋而是喜欢啃鞋。 Hannah‘s reign got off to a rocky start. The winner‘s crown couldn‘t find a home within the ridges atop her wrinkled head, and Jackson had to pick her up and force her to sit on the throne. To those who know her best, Hannah is the ultimate girly girl. She enjoys socializing in the neighborhood, wearing fancy outfits and pursuing a shoe fetish that would rival any Hollywood starlet. But Hannah doesn‘t wear shoes — she eats them. 汉纳的女主人阿曼达·米勒德表示,汉纳成为选美冠军后将改掉以前的坏习惯,如挖土坑和啃鞋子等,它应该保持吉祥狗的良好形象。米勒德还说:“与其它的斗牛犬相比,它还很喜欢打盹儿。” But Amanda Millard, her co-owner, promised that Hannah will take time out from her favorite activities — digging in the mud and dining on foot wear — and honor the office of Beautiful Bulldog with style. "She‘ll take plenty of naps for all of her bulldog friends," Millard said.
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