法国最近公布的一项研究结果显示,法国人在过去100年中逐渐放弃了爱吃面包的习惯,目前法国人对于面包的消费量要远远低于大部分其它欧洲国家 Recent research shows the French have turned steadily away from bread over the last 100 years, and now eat far less of the former staple than most other Europeans. 法国面包行业有关人士称,现在每个法国人平均每天仅吃掉150克(5.3盎司)面包,这只相当于1914年以前人均面包消费量的四分之一,不仅明显低于德国人平均每天大约230克的水平,甚至还不如丹麦人、意大利人以及荷兰人吃的多。 French daily consumption is 150 grams (5.3 ounces) per person -- just a quarter of what it was before 1914 -- way below Germany, where people eat some 230 grams a day. Even the Danes, Italians and the Dutch eat more, French bakery officials said. 法国面包行业将人们越来越不爱吃面包的原因归于国民生活水平的提高。法国国家面包业协会的负责人热拉尔·布罗舒瓦尔在4月27日举行的一次行业研讨会上表示,“国家变得越富裕,国民就越倾向于吃价格高昂的食品”。但他同时指出,这并不意味着面包业已面临穷途末路的境地。 The bakery industry blames a rise in living standards. "Richer nations eat richer food," Gerard Brochoire, director of the national bakery institute, told an industry seminar on Thursday -- but the ovens are not begin turned off just yet. 去年,法国人在面包消费量上的下滑趋势已经得到了初步遏止,这主要应归功于所谓“传统棍子面包”新标准的实施:只有高等级面粉才能做此种面包的原料,而且在烤制过程中不得放入任何添加剂。曾经获奖的面包师克里斯蒂昂·瓦布莱表示:“法式棍子面包可以算作一个传奇,而传奇是不会消亡的。” Consumption has stabilised in the past year, notably due to new standards for "baguettes de tradition" -- loaves using only high-grade flour and baked without additives. "The French baguette is a legend and the legend is not dead," prize-winning baker Chistian Vabret said
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