日前公布的一项最新研究结果显示,在美国,大约四分之三的中老年妇女在性生活方面表现得活跃,其中三分之二的人对自己的性生活多少感到满意;黑人妇女对自己的性生活比白人妇女更感到满意。 About three-fourths of middle-aged and older women are sexually active and two-thirds of them are at least somewhat satisfied, according to a new study. Black women are more satisfied with their sex lives than their white counterparts. 负责进行此次研究的是来自亚利桑那大学的伊莱娜·B·阿迪斯博士及其同事们,所涉及的研究对象为2109名年龄在40岁到69岁的妇女。研究发现,较好的精神健康状态一般可以给人带来更为满意的性生活,而那些偏胖妇女较少获得满意的性生活。 Dr. Ilana B. Addis of the University of Arizona in Tucson and colleagues also found in their survey of just over 2,019 women aged 40 to 69 that better mental health was associated with more sexual satisfaction, while heavier women were less likely to be sexually satisfied. 那些接受研究的2109名妇女均完整填写了一份调查问卷,问卷中的问题包括她们的性生活的频度,她们对自己性生活的满意度以及她们存在的各种与性生活有关的问题。研究显示,去年,71%的妇女有过性生活,37%的人1个月或1个月多有1次性生活,33%的人1周或少于1周有1次性生活。 To investigate, they analyzed results from 2,109 women participating in a study. The women had completed questionnaires on how frequently they had sex, their satisfaction with their sex lives, and any sexual problems. Seventy-one percent of the women reported having sex in the past year, while 37% had sex monthly or less often and 33% had sex weekly or more frequently. 研究结果还显示,较为富有或受教育程度较高的妇女有比较多的性生活。除此以外,适度饮酒、较低的体重指数(BMI)以及较佳的健康状态也会使得妇女获得比较频繁的性行为。年岁较小且与伴侣关系较好的妇女同样可有较高的性生活频度。非洲-美洲印第安妇女对自己性生活感到不满意的比白人妇女低32%。 Richer or more highly educated women had more sex, the researchers found, while moderate alcohol consumption, lower body mass index and better health also were tied to more frequent sexual activity. Younger women and those in a significant relationship were also more likely to have sex more frequently. African-American women were 32% less likely than whites to report being dissatisfied with their sex lives. 有三分之一的人声称自己身上存在着某些方面的性功能障碍,其中包括性欲不足、无法令自己的身心放松以便充分享受性爱乐趣、难以引起性欲以及不容易达到性高潮等。在那些性生活较为活跃的妇女中,认为性功能障碍“在一定程度上是个问题”或者“是个老大难问题”的人占24%。 One-third of sexually active women reported having some type of sexual dysfunction, including lack of interest in sex, inability to relax and enjoy sex, or difficulty in becoming aroused or having an orgasm. Twenty-four percent of the sexually active women said sexual dysfunction was "somewhat of a problem" or "very much of a problem." 来自美国食品和药品管理局的布琳达·S·吉尔哈特博士特地指出,想要给妇女性功能障碍下一个准确的定义其实是一件十分困难的事。她说,“在出现一个为研究人员所普遍接受的标准定义之前,我们建议读者应当抱着相当谨慎的态度来看待所有与妇女性功能障碍有关的流行病学的研究结果。” Food and Drug Administration in Silver Spring points out that defining sexual dysfunction in women can be extremely difficult. "The reader is advised to approach all female sexual dysfunction prevalence studies with caution until researchers accept a standard definition," she writes.
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