4月28日,数百只海豚的尸体被冲上了坦桑尼亚桑给巴尔北部海岸一处旅游胜地的海滩。目前,科学家已经排除了这些海豚中毒死亡的可能。 Hundreds of dead dolphins washed up Friday along the shore of a popular tourist destination on Zanzibar‘s northern coast, and scientists ruled out poisoning. 据美联社4月28日报道,桑给巴尔海洋科学研究所的海洋生物学家纳里曼·吉德维对此表示,大约400只海豚的尸体散布在农圭湾2.5英里长的海岸线上。科学家经检查后发现,这些生活在深海地区的海豚,胃里面都是空的。这说明它们可能丧失了辨别方向的能力,并且已经游了一段时间,以便让自己再次确定方位。吉德维说,这些海豚并非死于饥饿或中毒。 It was not immediately clear what killed the 400 dolphins, whose carcasses were strewn along a 2 1/2-mile stretch of Nungwi.But the bottleneck dolphins, which live in deep offshore waters, had empty stomachs, meaning that they could have been disoriented and were swimming for some time to reorient themselves. They did not starve to death and were not poisoned, scientist said. 美国也发生过类似的事件。2005年的3月份,在佛罗里达州的马拉松,有68只深海海豚搁浅。美国专家认为潜水艇发出的声纳可能对此负有责任,并进行了调查。 In the United States, experts were investigating the possibility that sonar from U.S. submarines could have been responsible for a similar incident in Marathon, Fla., where 68 deep-water dolphins stranded themselves in March 2005. 作为反恐的一项措施,目前一支美国海军特遣部队正在东非海岸执行巡逻任务。美国海军官员并未对此事件马上发表看法。而且,他们也很少会透露潜水艇在水中的位置。 U.S. Navy task force patrols the East Africa coast as part of counterterrorism operations. A Navy official was not immediately available for comment, but the service rarely comments on the location of submarines at sea. 报道说,大量海豚的死亡对桑给巴尔的旅游业是一个巨大的打击。每年,都有众多游客前往桑给巴尔,观看美丽的海景并和野生海豚一起在海中畅游。 The deaths are a blow to the tourism industry in Zanzibar, where thousands of visitors go to watch and swim with wild dolphins. 当地渔业部门的负责人在广播中,告诫人们不要食用死亡海豚的肉,因为死亡原因尚未确定。但已经食用了海豚肉的人并未出现什么不良反应。 Mussa Aboud Jumbe, Zanzibar‘s director of fisheries, went on state radio to warn the public against eating the dolphin meat, saying the cause of death had not been determined. But residents who did eat the meat were all doing fine.
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