摘要: 近年来,电影制作成本的增加导致好莱坞众多大明星的片酬开始下降,巨星们的身价逐渐受到威胁。日前,美国著名娱乐杂志《娱乐周刊》对好莱坞数位大牌明星目前的身价是否“物有所值”做出了评估。 In its issue out this week, Entertainment Weekly rates top stars on whether they are worth the money. 近年来,电影制作成本的增加导致好莱坞众多大明星的片酬开始下降,巨星们的身价逐渐受到威胁。日前,美国著名娱乐杂志《娱乐周刊》对好莱坞数位大牌明星目前的身价是否“物有所值”做出了评估。 In its issue out this week, Entertainment Weekly rates top stars on whether they are worth the money. 电影成本影响演员片酬 据路透社日前报道,最新一期的《娱乐周刊》指出,在历经演员片酬不断上扬的数年后,顶级明星的身价也开始走低,这主要归咎于电影制作成本的增加。业内人士表示,制作成本上涨导致演员片酬中的很大一部分要用于纳税以及承担因票房不佳带来的经济损失。 Entertainment Weekly quoted several studio executives as saying the rising cost of production has led many stars to take large parts of their fees from revenue and profit participation that may never materialize if films flop at box offices. 上世纪90年代,不断高涨的片酬制造出了众多“一夜成名便一夜爆富”的电影明星。好莱坞著名喜剧演员吉姆·凯瑞便是其中之一。身为奥斯卡得主、凯瑞主演的电影的票房收入曾创出20亿美元的佳绩,而他也因此接拍一部戏就可获得250万美元的片酬。然而,他新近主演的《新抢钱夫妻》等大成本新片在美国国内的票房收入仅刚刚越过1亿美元,《娱乐周刊》为此表示,凯瑞还要想保住250万美元的身价恐怕“有些冒险”。 Carrey, star of hits like "Bruce Almighty," had been a big beneficiary of the 1990s‘ salary run-up during which he saw his paycheck hit the $25 million mark. However, his recent big-budget movies like "Fun with Dick and Jane" barely topped $100 million in domestic ticket sales, leaving his star tarnished, the magazine said. 汤姆·汉克斯能保“金身” 凯瑞当然不是惟一遭到身价威胁的好莱坞大牌明星。《娱乐周刊》指出,妮可·基德曼、威尔·法瑞尔和艾迪·墨菲等好莱坞巨星目前索要的片酬也显得过高。 Among those whose asking prices have become too high are Carrey, Nicole Kidman, Will Ferrell and Eddie Murphy, the magazine said. 面对《家有仙妻》和《复制娇妻》等影片惨淡票房的现状,好莱坞天后级人物妮可·基德曼也要面临降低身价的危险。与此同时,威尔·法瑞尔200万美元身价也因近期票房不佳而被列入濒临降价的明星行列;艾迪·墨菲200万美元的片酬同样被看作“要价太高”。此外,获得过奥斯卡提名的杰克·吉伦希尔所要求的500万至700万美元的片酬以及瑞秋·麦克亚当斯所要求的300万至400万美元都被认为是过高索价。 Carrey‘s not the only one. Kidman is considered a risky bet after the box office failure of "Bewitched" and "The Stepford Wives" among other recent films. Will Ferrell‘s $20 million also made the list of risky bets given recent box office disappointments and Eddie Murphy‘s $20 million was considered downright "too pricey." Oscar nominee Jake Gyllenhaal, at $5 million to $7 million a picture, and Rachel McAdams at $3 million to $4 million, were bargains. 然而,身价250万美元的超级巨星汤姆·汉克斯还是被《娱乐周刊》认为“物有所值”,因为他是“世界上最受银行信赖的品牌之一”。 But Tom Hanks‘ $25 million was thought to be "worth every penny" because he remains "one of the most bankable brand names in the world."
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