摘要: 美国科学家最新公布的一项研究显示,对于那些在分娩结束1年后出现心理异常、故意毁坏物品以及出现家庭暴力行为的母亲来说,她们的孩子长到3周岁时出现行为方面问题的可能性高。 The children of mothers who have mental health, substance abuse or domestic violence problems a year after delivery are more likely to experience behavioral problems at age 3, a U.S. study finds. 美国科学家最新公布的一项研究显示,对于那些在分娩结束1年后出现心理异常、故意毁坏物品以及出现家庭暴力行为的母亲来说,她们的孩子长到3周岁时出现行为方面问题的可能性高。 The children of mothers who have mental health, substance abuse or domestic violence problems a year after delivery are more likely to experience behavioral problems at age 3, a U.S. study finds. 美国“每日健康新闻”网日前报道,此次研究涉及的对象是出生于美国18个大城市内的近2800名儿童。新泽西州普林斯顿市Mathematica政策研究公司的研究人员对这些孩子进行了为期3年的跟踪研究。 In their three-year study, researchers at Mathematica Policy Research Inc., in Princeton, N.J., followed nearly 2,800 children born in 18 large U.S. cities. 研究结果显示,有半数母亲在分娩1年后至少出现了下面3种行为中的1种,这些行为包括心理异常、故意毁坏物品以及出现家庭暴力行为。而孩子们中则有22%的人至少出现了1种日常行为方面的问题,具体表现为蓄意攻击他人、焦虑、沮丧以及注意力不集中(多动症)等。母亲们身上出现的问题越多,则子女在年满3岁周时面临日常行为方面问题的可能性就越大。 A year after delivery, half the mothers had a condition in at least one of the three categories -- mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence -- and 22 percent of the children had at least one type of behavior problem such as aggression, anxiety-depression, or inattention/hyperactivity. The more problems reported by a mother, the more likely her child was to develop behavior problems by age 3. 报道说,研究报告刊登在5月号的《大众精神病学文献》杂志上。研究人员说,母亲们在接受有关自己日常行为的调查时,纷纷表示她们懂得自身的精神健康状况会在一定程度上影响子女的成长。 The study appears in the May issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry. However, "there is evidence that mothers appear open to empathic inquiries about how they are doing, and that mothers also understand that their own well-being is related to that of their children," the study authors wrote.
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