摘要: 近日,西班牙北部平原小镇比利亚弗雷乔斯举行了一场集体相亲大会,以帮助当地众多的单身汉们寻找合适的伴侣。 A small town on the northern plains of Spain held a large-scale blind date party on Saturday to help its many single men find potential mates. 近日,西班牙北部平原小镇比利亚弗雷乔斯举行了一场集体相亲大会,以帮助当地众多的单身汉们寻找合适的伴侣。 据美联社5月8日报道,由于担心地理位置偏僻的小镇的人口越来越少,比利亚弗雷乔斯镇发布广告征集未婚女性前来参加相亲大会。这一活动得到镇长戈梅兹的大力支持。戈梅兹说:“我们从去年11月起就在筹划这次活动。这里的单身汉们最小的24岁,最老的已经68岁了。” 举办集体相亲大会的主意最初是由当地的旅店老板卡纳尔想出来的。他说:“我们这儿的单身汉太多了,我们不得不试着帮他们找找老婆。” 在相亲会当天,共有100名未婚女性慕名而来,比利亚弗雷乔斯镇派出两辆大巴将姑娘们接到这个540人的小镇上。姑娘们先在60名参加相亲会的男子的陪同下共进了午餐,随后参观了当地著名的奶酪制作工厂并观看了足球比赛,单身汉们希望通过漂亮的球技捕获姑娘们的芳心。 45岁的维拉斯科是一位旅店服务员,他表示:“参加集体相亲是一次有趣并令人兴奋的经历。我来这儿也不是为了找老婆,而是为了结交新朋友度过美好时光。”而57岁的木匠伊凡特斯坦率地承认:“我希望在相亲会上找到一个伴侣,因为我很孤单。” 镇长戈梅兹说,镇上的结婚登记处这个周末也照常开放,为那些相互中意的人们结婚登记提供方便。 A small town on the northern plains of Spain held a large-scale blind date party onSaturday to help its many single men find potential mates. Concerned that the population of rural Villafrechos will dwindle, Mayor Miguel Angel Gomez threw his support behind the local initiative, inviting women through an advertising campaign to gather at the regional city of Valladolid. It began as the idea of local inn keeper Teresa Canal. "There are too many bachelors here, we had to try and find them brides," she said. About 100 women showed up, and were taken by two busses to Villafrechos, population 540, where some 60 men escorted them to lunch. "We‘ve been organizing this since November," Gomez said. "The youngest is 24 and the oldest 68." The women were then invited to see the town‘s highlights, including an artisan cheese-making facility and a football field where some of the men hoped to impress with their soccer skills. "It‘s a lovely and exciting experience," said Irene Velasco, 45, a Madrid hotel worker. "I haven‘t come here to look for a mate, rather to meet new people and have a good time." Tomas Infestas, a 57-year-old retired carpenter, said the women were gorgeous. "I want to find a partner, I‘m lonely," he said. The mayor said the registry office would be kept open over the weekend, in case any couples found love and wanted to marry.
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