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荷兰一保险公司推出病假险应对世界杯请假潮 作者:zhihere 阅读次数:1143
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摘要: 世界杯足球赛即将于6月10日举行。由于预计届时将有大量员工请病假而去看球,荷兰SEZ保险公司近日专门为该国企业主推出了一种特殊保险,以减少企业因这股突如其来的请假狂潮而遭受的损失。 A Dutch insurer is offering employers in the country the chance to insure themselves against the sudden rise in staff sick days expected during next month‘s World Cup. 世界杯足球赛即将于6月10日举行。由于预计届时将有大量员工请病假而去看球,荷兰SEZ保险公司近日 专门为该国企业主推出了一种特殊保险,以减少企业因这股突如其来的请假狂潮而遭受的损失。 据路透社5月9日报道,在2004年于葡萄牙举行的欧洲足球锦标赛期间,成千上万的荷兰上班族纷纷打电话告诉老板自己病了。特别是在有荷兰国家队比赛的那些天,请病假的人数会比平时高出20%。SEZ保险公司的丹尼斯·马萨尔表示,“我们预计,这次又会有很多人故技重施”。 按照荷兰现行法律的规定,即使雇员已经病到无法前来上班的地步,公司方面也依然必须向他们支付工资。尽管雇主们可以通过上保险的方式来减轻自己的损失,但大多数保险合同只对员工缺勤达两周以上的情况予以理赔。 SEZ保险公司宣称,新的“病假险”将不再恪守至少两个星期这一时间限制,任何雇员只要在荷兰国家队的比赛日或其后一天没来上班,不论其具体借口如何,均将得到该公司的赔偿。马萨尔说,“很显然,没有人会在电话中告诉老板,自己生病的原因是想看球赛或者是酒喝得太多了”。 A Dutch insurer is offering employers in the country the chance to insure themselves against the sudden rise in staff sick days expected during next month‘s World Cup. Tens of thousands of Dutch workers phoned in ill during the European Championships in Portugal in 2004, with sickness levels rising 20 percent on days when the Dutch national side played. "We are expecting a lot of claims," said Dennis Massaar of insurer SEZ. Under Dutch law, companies must pay employees who are too ill to report to work. They can insure themselves against this, but most policies apply only to absences longer than two weeks. SEZ said it would waive the usual two-week time limit and pay out for any employees absent on the day of a Netherlands match or the day after, regardless of the excuse given. "Obviously nobody will phone in and say they‘re ill because they want to watch the match or because they drank too much."
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