摘要: 清洁牙缝中食物残渣的正确方法是使用牙线。而英国口腔卫生基金会日前公布的一项调查结果则显示,众多英国人在剔牙时会无所顾忌地“就地取材”,甚至使用诸如改锥、剪刀或耳环等毫不相关的物品来清洁牙齿。 People are damaging their teeth by picking them with household items such as knives, scissors and even screwdrivers. 清洁牙缝中食物残渣的正确方法是使用牙线。而英国口腔卫生基金会日前公布的一项调查结果则显示,众多英国人在剔牙时会无所顾忌地“就地取材”,甚至使用诸如改锥、剪刀或耳环等毫不相关的物品来清洁牙齿。 据路透社5月12日报道,英国口腔卫生基金会日前在一份声明中表示,众多英国人在塞牙后,会胡乱利用身边可以取得的任何东西来剔牙。 有超过60%的被调查者说,他们会使用一些诸如刀子、钥匙、针及餐叉等和口腔卫生完全没有关系的临时代用品,来清洁牙缝中存留的食物残渣。 调查还发现,有23%的被调查者即使塞牙了,也不去剔牙。这就增加了他们患齿龈疾病和出现难闻口气的危险。 People are damaging their teeth by picking them with household items such as knives, scissors and even screwdrivers. A National Dental Survey found over 60 per cent use whatever is close to hand when they have food stuck in their teeth. Some confessed to using keys, paper clips, matchsticks, earrings, nail files, pencils, cards and forks. "Clearly people really need to be educated on the importance of flossing," Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the British Dental Foundation said. "Flossing is a vital part of a good oral health routine, removing food particles from between the teeth and plaque from against gumline.
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