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    作者:sisi 阅读次数:7772


    Romance Novels: Escape or Addiction?

    Bill: Ready for an escape? A lot of people are. In addition to escapist movies and TV programs, romance novels provide hours of escape to people the world over.
    Samantha: The genre has been around a long time, but seems to be enjoying unprecedented popularity.
    Bill: Right. The romance novel industry churns out thousands of books a year in America and other countries.
    Samantha: Books that are snapped up by about 45 million readers, the vast majority of whom are women.
    Bill: But not everyone thinks this great escape is all that great. Critics say some readers develop an unhealthy addiction to the books.
    Samantha: Let’s hear what the worldwide love affair with the romance novel is about, in Dateline USA.

    EJ: Hello, and welcome to Dateline USA! Sigmund Freud, famously wondered, "What does a woman want?" Part of the answer may lie in romance novels, which are a billion-dollar-a-year industry in America. Thousands of romance novels are published annually, all telling the same story-girl gets boy. Critics call the books anti-feminist, unrealistic fluff; but can approximately 45 million female readers be wrong? So why are these books so popular with so many women? We’ll talk to a sociologist and a romance writer, to understand more about this unique phenomenon.




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    Fantasy as Escape

    EJ: Today, we’re speaking with Dr. Pepper Schwartz. She is a professor of sociology at the University of Washington. Dr. Schwartz, in the U.S. an astonishing one in five adult books sold is a romance novel. Why are they so popular with American women?
    Schwartz: Well, American women are fed with romance right along with mother’s milk, I think, is a first romance novel and the first idea of romantic destinations that is your birthright as an American woman.
    So to my mind, the reason it’s so popular is because we love romance, we have romantic movies, we have romantic books, we have romantic television shows; it’s all about love and lust and the highest soul mate connection you could make, and then we get to real life where we pick our own mate, we do everything that we could possibly do to find love the way we read about it, and it doesn’t happen that often.
    EJ: Some feel the rift between those who dote on and those who disdain romance novels centers on the question of fantasy and its proper place in the adult imagination. What do you think?
    Schwartz: That’s a good question. I think that fantasy is something that either people see as a delicious little treasure or as something delusional, something that’s escapist and not a guilty little pleasure, but rather, if it isn’t an escape, then it is reinforcing an ignoble part of the human-of human capability. So I would say that those two camps are unalterably opposed to each other, because one believes one is a pleasure that has nothing to do with real life, and the other feels that it either keeps real life alive or makes something dishonorable more likely, or it keeps focusing on what they would think of as a flaw in someone.
    I personally am on the pro-fantasy camp. I think that there’s nothing wrong with a journey into some other state of being and into some other perfect world, much the same way science fiction encourages you to go there. And there’s always some reality, even in science fiction, that makes you ponder about the nature of human relationships. ... ...

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