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    World Orchestra Unites Capital's Music lovers

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:5372



    October is definitely a bumper season for Beijing's classical concert-goers. The on-going annual Beijing Music Festival is no doubt the highlight - yet there are also some other concerts you should not miss, China Daily reported Thursday.

    The Philharmonia of the Nations, a multicultural orchestra featuring highly talented young musicians from around the world, will visit Beijing's Forbidden City Concert Hall next Monday and Shanghai's Grand Theatre next Thursday.

    Under the baton of Justus Frantz, these young artists in their 20s and 30s will co-operate with Beijing Symphony Orchestra to play Beethoven's 9th Symphony and with Shanghai Symphony Orchestra at the Shanghai concert.

    It was while working with Leonard Bernstein that Frantz adopted Bernstein's credo "Let's make music as friends" as his own motto and inspiration. Bernstein's dream of an international, young, professional orchestra led Justus to form the Philharmonia of the Nations in 1995 sponsored by Mont Blanc International.

    Frantz has been internationally successful both as a pianist and as a conductor for more than 30 years. He began to play piano when he was 4, and was one of the youngest students ever to be granted a scholarship by the German National Scholarship Foundation, at the age of 23.

    He has long been interested in expanding the audience for classical music, and has worked hard to support talented young musicians.

    "My philosophy is making classical music accessible and discover young talents, which is the reason we are touring around the world and now we are coming to China," Frantz said.

    The Philharmonia of the Nations is a springboard for young musicians, allowing them to gather experience beyond international and cultural borders.

    The orchestra demonstrates the ability of people from different nations to work together in peace and harmony. The common language, music, unites these gifted artists from over 40 countries and five continents, while creativity and enthusiasm infuse their work. The orchestra has no permanent home but has given over 1,000 concerts around the world.

    Performances include a concert to mark the "United Nations Day," on October 23, 1998, at the invitation of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan at the United Nations in New York.

    In 1998, the Philharmonia of the Nations was the official orchestra for the Operalia, the choral competition organized by star tenor Placido Domingo.

    This is the second time they have visited China. In 1996, they accompanied the German Federal President on a state visit to China to provide the official cultural programme.

    One of the world famous companies who make contribution to support arts and culture undertaking, Mont Blanc International started to support the orchestra from its establishment and also sponsors this China tour. Norbert Platt, president and CEO of Mont Blanc International and James Siano, CEO of Asia-Pacific Mont Blanc will attend the concert in Beijing.

    In 1992, the Mont Blanc Foundation for Arts and Culture was established to present the Mont Blanc Art Patronage Award to world-renowned artists whose commitment and achievements deserve wider recognition. Over the past 10 years, nearly 100 artists from 10 countries have received the award.

    Chinese movie director Zhang Yang, cinematographer Gu Changwei, conductor Yu Long, violinist Lu Siqing, Yuju Opera actress Xiao Xiangyu and architect Zhang Xin have won in the past three years.
