[hide]Goodbye to the Bulls 别了,公牛 ( 三 )
这仅仅是一场精彩演出的落幕。 我是自愿离开公牛队的。 我想此时应该是他功成名就,激流勇退的时候。 我明白获胜、巨额的收益、名誉都不会带来真正的幸福和快乐。 我在找寻让我感到幸福和快乐的东西。
[9]How did you manage the mix of personalities on your team? With Michael, it speaks a lot to his family's strength that he has respect for adults and the ability to give and take. But another important factor was that I've always made Michael a co-captain, which he's shared with Bill Cartwright and Scottie Pippen, so he's been able to play good cop and the bad cop on our team. A lot of times Michael has given the tongue-lashing『斥责』and the other co-captain has patted guys on the back. He and his co-leaders would also strategize 『制订战略计划』 how to get other guys on track.
[9] 您怎样管理这支拥有不同个性球员的球队呢? 拿乔丹来说,家庭的力量很重要。在家庭的影响下,他尊重他人,既会付出又懂得如何索取。但另外一个重要手段是让乔丹参与球队的管理, 他和比尔·卡特赖特、斯科特·皮蓬都是队长。很多时候,乔丹用语言来鞭策队友们,其他两人则鼓励队友。他们总是寻找各种方法,使队友们团结一致,使球队处于佳境。
[10] Dennis Rodman seems like a hard guy to keep on track. Well, Scottie and Michael and myself bring him in and get him to express himself and find a way to encourage him, because this is basically dealing with attention-deficit『不够专心』problems. Dennis doesn't acknowledge 『承认』it, but, from what I know about it, he's like a poster child for it. Educators have written me that this kind of person doesn't react to discipline or anything but short-term positive『积极的;有利的』 reinforcement 『加强;补充』, and he's been great with that. We're real proud of Dennis trying to do the right thing even when sometimes he can't.
[10]但是,丹尼斯·罗德曼可是个令人头疼的家伙。 或许是吧。不过,皮蓬、乔丹和我将他招入队中,并给他发挥才能的空间,寻找激励他的办法,因为有时他会开小差。罗德曼自己并不承认,但是,我知道这一点,他就像个调皮的孩子。教育工作者曾来信告诉我,像罗德曼这样的人不会遵循任何规章制度,但短期内他能增强公牛队的实力,这正是他的特别之处。我们真的为罗德曼感到自豪,特别是当他强迫自己不再惹事,而是表现更好的时候。
[11]In a post-Michael era『时代』, does the NBA face big problems? Sure it does. They lose a natural star, a guy you practically can't take your eyes off of. We've got kids with the talent to be great, like Kobe Bryant, But I don't know if they have the aplomb『沉着;坦然自若』 and the strength of character yet to be great. Also, we need a real harsh look at how physical it is now, the muscle-ball that's being played.
[11]在乔丹时代之后,NBA会面临大问题吗? 会的。NBA赛场上将失去一位天才球星,一位你不可能移开你的视线的球星。虽然我们现在也发现了一些像科贝·布莱恩特等极具潜质的天才球员,但是我不知道他们将来能否成为像乔丹一样镇定自若、富有人格魅力的明星。
【背景知识】Kobe Bryant:美国洛杉矶湖人队球员。
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