火星最亲密接触地球 New Hubble Images of Mars Released 【参考译文】“哈勃”望远镜捕捉到火星新图片 Wed Aug 27, 4:46 PM ET BALTIMORE - Astronomers reacted with jubilation Wednesday at new pictures of Mars taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, saying the planet's close pass to Earth enabled the Hubble to capture "quite spectacular" images. 【参考译文】巴尔多摩-本周三,美国“哈勃”太空望远镜拍摄到火星的全身照,这令天文学家们兴奋不已。由于火星运行到了与地球最近的距离,才使得 “哈勃”太空望远镜有机会拍摄到如此罕见的照片。
【讲解】jubilation,The act of rejoicing. 欢腾,欢庆欢腾、欢庆的行为。
capture,To gain possession or control of, as in a game or contest. 赢得,夺取,拍摄到。capture the queen in chess下国际象棋时吃掉王后; captured the liberal vote.赢得自由党的选票。
"We've never seen this kind of resolution in Hubble images, that kind of detail," said Cornell University astronomer Jim Bell said, pointing to a canyon that runs 2,800 miles across the red planet. The images, taken when Mars was about 34.6 million miles from Earth, show surface details as small as 17 miles across. While spacecraft orbiting Mars can show objects in greater detail, they often cannot make an image of the entire planet at once.
【讲解】resolution,The fineness of detail that can be distinguished in an image, as on a video display terminal. 辨析率,解析度,影像能被分辨的细微程度,如在视频显示终端的细微程度。我们平时摄影时都说分辨率。
canyon,A narrow chasm with steep cliff walls, cut into the earth by running water; a gorge. 峡谷,带峭壁的狭窄裂缝,由流水切入地表;峡谷。
Scientists will now study the pictures in detail, and there's hope that the images will lead to new discoveries.
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